Novinka: Loxone App 11.2.2
Od dnešního dne je k dispozici bezplatná aktualizace aplikace Loxone 11.2.2. Aplikace pro iOS nyní podporuje aplikaci Apple Shortcuts (Zkratky), aby byly často používané akce v aplikaci Loxone ještě přístupnější. Verze pro Android se také může pochlubit početnými vylepšeními. Nová verze 11.2.2 vám umožní nejnovější funkce využívat.
Zkratky Apple:
Mezi mnohými vylepšeními by neměla vaší pozornosti uniknout jedna z obzvlášť zajímavých funkcí nejnovější verze aplikace Loxone. Možnost přidat často používané akce, jako například zapnutí konkrétního osvětlení, jako zkratku pro zařízení se systémem iOS.
Zkratku je možné spustit manuálně, hlasovým příkazem Siri, anebo automaticky, když přicházíte nebo odcházíte z domu. Návod, jak na to, najdete zde: Hlasové ovládání Loxone.
(Požadavky: iPhone/iPad se systémem iOS 13 anebo novějším, Apple Watch se systémem watchOS 7)

Podrobný changelog všech změn a vylepšení nové verze najdete níže:
Technical Changelog App 11.2.2:
- Use actions triggered in the Loxone App are available in the iOS Shortcuts app (Requires watchOS 7)
- See your last played items in the Audioserver visualization
- Siri Shortcuts donation: Actions done by the user will be donated to Siri. Suggestions will be made on the Siri Widget and Shortcuts App.
- Audioserver: History of the last played items per player and Miniserver user
- Audioserver: Follow/Unfollow Songs, Artists, Playlists, Albums and Title without open the Spotify App
- Haptic Feedback when opening contextual menus
- macOS: Big Sur like App icon
- Systemstate: R12-T586: Did show update Miniserver message even though user has no permission to do so
- Touch & Grill: R12-I192: Target Temperature won’t update when changed.
- Eco-Screen: R12-I181: AM/PM causes text to overflow in portrait mode or narrow screens.
- Audioserver: Couldn’t start playlists in the playlists section right from the cover
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1303: Artist covers are shown as a circle again
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1281: Couldn’t add a newly created local playlist as a Favorite
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1295: Browsable items could be opened multiple times when quickly tap on them multiple times
- Audioserver: Non rectangular artist covers were cut of in the circled view
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1288: Last row of long lists was not fully visible on macOS
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1286: Couldn’t access artists context menu from cell
- App Menu: R12-I166: Not needed security item for desktop apps removed
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1277: Did show wrong favorite when editing after reordering
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1263: Stuck in „rescanning library“ when closing and reopening app while library is rescanned
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1095: Central Audio Player control may show that a player is playing while performing an update of the Audioserver
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1262: Changing a NAS setting did not correctly update the UI (fixing config errors)
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1260: Did show Context Button or Add button on radio category cards and cells
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1270: Added hover tooltip to read the whole title of a song even if its to long to show
- Audioserver: Did always send a „reorder“ command even though no reordering was made when leaving the Favorite Edit screen on HD
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1339, AUDIO1-I1341: Adoptions to new „Add Spotify User“ flow
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1340: We now show all genres in the „Add Spotify User“ flow
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1343: Jumping search bar in „Add Spotify User“ flow
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1342: Loading View now has the same color as its background (Search, New „Add Spotify User“ flow, …)
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1344: Title Bar will now adopt for screens background color instead of staying black
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1345: Minor search UI Adoption
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1310: Favorites may not update in the favorites edit screen
- Audioserver: Improved initial loading times and multiple initial refresh due to Spotify
- Audioserver: Fixed ViewManagement of the „Add Spotify User“ flow on HD devices
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1324: Couldn’t jump to specific playlist from queue
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1322: Blackscreen when jumping from the EcoPlayer into a playlist
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1336: Did show „Favorite can’t be deleted“ popup on the second favorite
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1350: Waiting popup when open the Audio player on HD devices
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1353: Missing Announcement option when opening the
- Requirements:
- Android devices running 6 or later
- iPhone/iPad running iOS 13 or later (older versions stay on version 11.0)
- AppleWatch running watchOS 6 or later
- macOS running Version OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) up to macOS Catalina.