Update: Loxone Audioserver & App 11.2.1


2 Minuten
19. November 2020

Ab heute steht Ihnen das kostenlose Softwareupdate für den Audioserver sowie für die Loxone App 11.2.1 zur Verfügung. Das Update des Audioservers sowie der App beinhalten Bugfixes, welche die Stabilität und Inbetriebnahme des Audioservers verbessern. Alle technischen Details der beiden Softwareversionen finden Sie in unserem Changelog.

Loxone Audioserver

Führen Sie das Update einfach und bequem in der Loxone App oder in dem Webinterface des Audioservers durch.


Steht Ihnen aktuell keine aktive Internetverbindung zur Verfügung, spielen Sie die UPD-Datei über die Netzwerkfreigabe des Audioserver ein. Unter Windows erreichen Sie diese durch das Eingeben der IP-Adresse oder des Hostname in Ihrem Windows Explorer nach folgenden Schema: 

\IP-Audioserver oder \hostname

Kopieren Sie die Datei in den Ordner „Updates“ und nach kurzer Zeit wird das Update automatisch installiert. Der Audioserver befindet sich nach einem Neustart auf der installierten Version.


Technical Changelog Audioserver


  • NAS Access: fallback to/with Samba Version 2.1
    (delete and insert again your credentials for your NAS, if you got any previous mount problems)


  • AUDIO1-I1135 Bootmodus LAN CABLE CHECK Check
  • AUDIO1-I1077 Boot after Update 
  • AUDIO1-I1083 fixed Playstate for Extensions when booting and presence is already on = play
  • AUDIO1-I1103 reconnect websockets after services restarted, fixes webadmin „restart services“
  • AUDIO1-I1085 Systemmessage for offline favorites library titles
  • AUDIO1-I857 transition between speaker types
  • AUDIO1-I775 Authentication of Clients on a client/gateway „Client“
  • AUDIO1-I1023 respond on setname with urlencoded command
  • AUDIO1-I994 display name for system status messages
  • AUDIO1-I868 Blinkstate after setconfig
  • AUDIO1-I762 avoid updating other spotify paused players when playing
  • AUDIO1-I793 fix spotify pause between tracks
  • AUDIO1-I994 systemerrors show real affected name if configured
  • AUDIO1-I944 fix mastervolume update
  • AUDIO1-I1137 roomfav play spotify / library
  • AUDIO1-I1082 Initial Installation
  • AUDIO1-I1013 Presence play after reboot
  • AUDIO1-I1203 Spotify Roomfav Playlist, play from queue
  • AUDIO-I1210 Mastervolume
  • AUIDO-I1158 NAS folder sync
  • AUDIO-I686 fix playback and identify sound parallel 
  • AUDIO-I1058 fix spotify show reconnect dialog when de-authorize in Spotify
  • AUDIO-I1165 fix detaching paused players from groups
  • AUDIO-I1147 remove cache of spotify playlists after editing (out of sync)
  • AUDIO-I1108 fix crash in spotifyd in certain cases
  • AUDIO-I1114 fix adding browsable object to spotify playlist
  • AUDIO-I548 fix identify blink from learningmode took up to 3s
  • Spotify chunked retrieval of large playlists
  • fixed memory leaks
  • Changed NAS file caching: speeded up accessing network files
  • AUDIO1-I1155 NAS No Cover
  • AUDIO1-I1139 App Audiozone-Library Updates
  • AUDIO1-I1054 Queueordering Spotify

Loxone App 11.2.1


  • Android-Geräte mit der Version 6 oder höher
  • iPhone / iPad mit iOS 13 oder höher (ältere Versionen bleiben auf Version 11.0)
  • AppleWatch mit watchOS 6 oder höher
  • macOS mit Version OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) bis macOS Catalina
Technical Changelog App 11.2.1:


  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1098: At least one Favorite is Mandatory, so the app prohibits to delete the last favorite
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I894: More detailed information is shown when re-scanning the library
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I711: Will show if the Audio player is currently reset
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1001: Play/Pause button now always triggers a shuffled play in the big cell with the cover as background
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1166: Better visualisation what directory is re-scanned
  • Eco-Screen: R12-T391: Increased weather symbol and temperature size


  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1248: Couldn’t open player on macOS, Windows and Webinterface if the 
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1236: App did not correctly destroy previously shown overView Screens (Spotify, Playlists and Internetradio) which resulted in requesting content too many times
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1226: Better Offline description that matches both the Audioserver and its Extensions
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1242: Occasional loading when deleting a favorite
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1240: Quickly editing the Queue won’t result in a stuck screen or corrupt UI
  • Audioserer: AUDIO1-I1241: Prevent iOS 13 from making an announcement via an external connection due to a browser bug
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1200: Couldn’t request local playlist content via search
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1193: Announcement may not work within the same network
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1220: Fixed wrong sorting order of library content
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1225: Couldn’t edit NAS settings
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1198: Fixed misaligned fav button ripple in the Playlist Screen
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1187: App Stuck in loading when opening a Playlist and quickly close and reopen the app
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1205: Was able to input favorite ID 0 although 0 is not valid
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1194: Wrong favorite was played via context menu
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1201: Could remove all menu options
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1131, AUDIO1-I1202, AUDIO1-I953: Sorting and enabling of menu items may not be adopted
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1197: Renaming a playlist did not adopt the section header accordingly
  • Audioserver: Correct error handling when the recording upload fails
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1176: Added music to a playlist may not be visible
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1189: Not loading views after jumping from Radio screen into spotify or playlists screen
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1188: Framedrops /Stutter when entering NAS credentials
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1123: Quick Flicker when closing and reopening the App with an active VolumeOverlay
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1115: Favorites edit screen may not show the correct fallback cover if no cover is available
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1043: Announcement in combination with fixed group did not work
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1170: Queue may not load
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1159: Master volume of Fixed group did not work as expected
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1116: Playlist may not disappear after deleting it
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1055: Path property of NAS shares is mandatory now
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1130: Frozen UI when opening the library settings screen (happened rarely)
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1018, AUDIO1-I985: Hardware Volume Buttons on Android did not control the 
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I967, AUDIO1-I961, AUDIO1-I974: App freezes when viewing long playlists
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1118: Couldn’t delete favorite after changing it’s ID
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1138: Line in Favorite couldn’t be removed from players context menu
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I934: Quicker way to create playlists if no Spotify account is available
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I986: Cutoff control name if system state message is shown
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1104, AUDIO1-I1150, AUDIO1-I1157: Duplicate content in Library screen
  • Audioserver: Jumped back to the start of a vertical scrollable list
  • Audioserver: Fixed disappearing Library menu option
  • Audioserver: Fixed occasional duplicate content in library
  • Audioservers Volume if the Audio Player is currently opened
  • Audioserver: Play and Shuffled Play of Playlist may send the command multiple times
  • Audioserver: Playlists couldn’t be saved as Favorites
  • Announcement menu option was the only chosen entry to be shown
  • Audioserver: Fixed poor performance when switching between menu options on HD devices
  • EcoScreen: AUDIO1-I1063: EcoPlayer couldn’t set master volume
  • Touch & Grill: R12-T443: Flickering view on Mac when timer is active.
  • Taskrecorder: R12-I124: Fixed Taskrecorder not clickable


    • Android devices running 6 or later
    • iPhone/iPad running iOS 13 or later (older versions stay on version 11.0)
    • AppleWatch running watchOS 6 or later
    • macOS running Version OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) up to macOS Catalina.

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