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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigMiniserver ( cannot update loxone dimmer extension ( IR extension (
4 years ago
Miniserver ( cannot update loxone dimmer extension ( IR extension (

2 Answers
4 years ago

I had something similar and ended up forgetting to add a neutral jumpter in between the different power supplies on the system. I also had originally jumped power cables from extension to extension instead of home running each one to the push in terminal block connected to the power supply. Doing these two things cleared everything up and the extensions updated right away after. I hope this helps!

4 years ago

The most common cause of issues with extensions after updates is that GNDs are not commoned between power supplies. Commoning of the GNDs (refererring to the -V on the DC side) is incredibly important so that all power supplies use the same GND reference and therefore there are no potential differences across the system.
If differences exist they will use the easiest path, which would be the link. We would then ses issues any time the link is used for more intensive purposes that standard operation e.g during an update. You can see this in the documentation page here https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/wiring-basics/#CONNECTING%20THE%20MINISERVER%20TO%20A%20POWER%20SUPPLY

4 years ago

Hi.Thanks for your answer.
I have solved this problem. I have established Loxone version 5, then, 7, then 9. After that Dimmer extension it was updated up to version, IR extension up to version . Now all is ok.
(Excuse me for my bad English.)