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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigActivate touch tree audible click
4 years ago
Activate touch tree audible click


Does anyone know how to activate the audible clicker on the touch tree, similar to the Burglar Alarm function? Our Loxone was originally configured to just have a silent doorbell (all the house lights flash) but we’d like to add an audible signal too.


1 Answers
4 years ago

No direct input as far as I’m aware but you could go around about way by creating a lighting controller called doorbell – link all T5 controllers you want an audible acknowledgment from and then create an additional burglar alarm block armed by the closing of the front door, activated by the doorbell and disarmed by the opening of the front door. Hide the blocks from all users and you should achieve as above.

Good luck! Joe.