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3 years ago

Hi there, can’t get the TTS to work and never used this feature before so maybe something simple. Using a 8 zone media server and have then tried using the status block (as per your support pages) and inputted that to the TTS input of the zones. When in live view I can see it output the text but nothing. Music doesn’t stop nothing. Doorbell and alarm triggers work fine. I’ve also tried to do it via Http but again no joy. What am I missing?

Many thanks

Mark – Cosmic

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Mark

This could be related to an issue with the LetsEncrypt SSL certificate that is in use on the Music Server having expired which prevents authorisation with the TTS server.

If this is the case then in the first instance please make sure your Music Server is up to date via the web interface for it. If it is up to date or the update does not resolve this please reach out to Loxone Support who will be able to assist you with manually updating the SSL certificate on the device. [email protected]

