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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: InstallationIntergrating Somfy roller blinds into loxone
3 years ago
Intergrating Somfy roller blinds into loxone

Hi guys

im wondering if anyone has ever intergrated somfy roller blinds into loxone before, im switching them via nano 2 tree relay, i can get them switching no problem up/down, but they stop randomly , sometimes it works fine then it will just stop at 30% then 70% out of the blue, me and niko have been scratching out heads, ive spoken to somfy and all it needs is a pulse to start which we have given

any ideas anyone?

many thanks

2 Answers
3 years ago


Haven’t specifically used Somfy as such.

However, with other devices, I have found that the pulse duration is important. Output the nano relay to a monoflop and adjust the output duration – start with 0.5s and go up in 0.5 second increments.

Also, I am assumming you have tried the pulse manually (touching the 2 wires together)?

3 years ago


Agree with Prem, set Tu and Td parameters to exact second it takes to open or close the blinds, and should work.

3 years ago

Yes. Set Tu and Td to duration of blinds up and down – so you can see the animation in the app.

However, connect the outputs from Tu and Td to a monoflop so that the somfy is only getting a pulse for the duration of the monoflop (starting at 0.5s) and not the entire duration of Tu or Td.

Hope this makes sense.