Smart Home

Adding more technology shouldn’t mean adding more switches. Maximise the functionality of your space, in a seemless manner. Loxone keeps it simple and user-friendly for everyone.

The Loxone Switch Standard

Fewer buttons, more clarity – this is the motto that inspired the Loxone Switch Standard.
By designing switches with fewer buttons, operation becomes clearer for everyone.


Just a tap on the large central area will switch your lighting mood. A tap on the top or bottom left corner will raise or lower blinds, respectively. The same goes for control of music on the right corners to raise or lower the volume.


When you’re leaving a room, a double-tap in the center is all you need to shut off the lights and connected devices in the room. If you double-tap the top right corner for music, it will change the music source. To switch off the music again, you can double-tap the bottom right corner.


A triple-tap activates the “House-off” function. This means the entire building will go into a sleep mode by switching all lights off, disconnecting standby devices and arming the alarm system.

Touch Pure Flex

A brand new way to provide customised room control. Assign only the functions that are most used or needed – thoughtfully made to meet the needs of spaces with frequent new users, such as hotels. With integrated temperature and humidity sensors, it can also act as a thermostat for temperature control.

Touch Pure Flex

Der Touch Pure Flex ist nicht am Reißbrett, sondern aus einem sehr realen Bedürfnis heraus entstanden. Er bietet den Gästen im brandneuen Loxone Campus ein intuitives und vielseitiges Bedienkonzept – speziell abgestimmt auf die Anforderungen eines Hotels. Doch seine grenzenlose Individualisierbarkeit macht ihn auch zum perfekten Bedienelement für zahlreiche andere Bereiche.

Touch Pure

The Touch Pure brings an elevated feel to the Touch design. With a high-quality build, the Touch Pure has a frameless real glass surface and ceramic, fingerprint-free finish. Plus, the built-in orientation light will help guide the way at night.


Beautifully designed with a matte plastic surface, the Touch brings a single compact control element to any room. The five touch points let you control the essential functions in your smart building with ease.

Touch Pure

Mit dem Touch Pure haben wir die
Funktionen unseres Touch in einem edlen Design mit Echtglas Oberfläche verwirklicht. Zusätzlich zur hochwertigen Bauweise besitzt der Touch Pure verbesserte Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensoren sowie ein Orientierungslicht.

NFC Code Touch

The NFC Code Touch offers an ideal combined access control solution for your doors, gates, garages and alarms in a single device that boasts a modern and sleek design. Thanks to a wide range of functionality, it can be used for individual and one-time access.

Touch Nightlight Air

Versatile functionality and stylish design meet to create a control element right by your bedside. The Touch Nightlight Air can be used as an alarm clock, ambient light, and an easily movable control device for any living space.

Touch Nightlight Air

Versatile functionality and stylish design meet to create a control element right by your bedside. The Touch Nightlight Air can be used as an alarm clock, ambient light, and an easily movable control device for any living space.

Touch & Grill Air

Grilling and the outdoors go together with the Touch & Grill Air. This mobile control device has a high-quality housing, a UV-resistant, splash-proof glass surface and a long-lasting battery. With Loxone Air technology you can measure temperatures anywhere!

Touch Surface

An almost invisible switch, the Touch Surface hides in plain sight on a variety of surfaces like stone, wood, ceramics and glass. Transform your kitchen countertops, desks or even your shower walls into a smart control device for the whole room.

Touch Surface

Der nahezu unsichtbare Touch Surface macht das Loxone Touch Erlebnis auf den verschiedensten Oberflächen sichtbar. Verwandeln Sie diverse Möbel, Küchenarbeitsplatten, Schreibtische oder auch Ihre Badezimmerfliese zu einem einzigen smarten Bedienelement für den gesamten Raum.

Remote Air

The Remote Air is a unique wireless remote control with the same capabilities as its Touch counterparts. Besides the Touch standards for lighting, music or shading, you can also assign the buttons to control the garage door, alarm system and more.

Loxone App

Control your home from your phone. With the Loxone App, you can view and adjust key functions within a smart home and view important info and notifications all from one screen. Thanks to simple user management and assignment of user rights, our app is also ideal for commercial properties.

Loxone App

In unserer Loxone App finden Sie die gesamten Funktionen Ihres intelligenten Gebäudes zusammengefasst und können bei Bedarf alles zentral verwalten und bedienen. Dank einfacher Benutzerverwaltung und Rechtevergabe ist unsere App auch ideal für Gewerbeobjekte geeignet.

Interested in Loxone?

Whether you want Loxone installed or you want to start offering your customers Loxone, speak to us about making that happen.

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Speak to our Automation Experts about your project (whether it’s a renovation, extension or self-build) and they can share ideas and offer advice on what’s possible.

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