Visiting GREE: Air conditioning professional cools using the AC Control Air

Jacob Sugden
30th August 2024 in Backstage
As part of our Spotlight video series, we visited Markus Wolf, Managing Director of Gree GmbH in Austria – one of the world market leaders for air conditioning systems. He showed us how he intelligently automated the air conditioning system in his home using the AC Control Air.

Smart air conditioning in less than 3 minutes

The AC Control Air at a glance

AC Control Air
  • Compatible with leading manufacturers (GREE, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Daikin, Fujitsu, Sinclair, Toshiba). The complete list of compatible air conditioning systems can be found here.
  • Installation in a matter of minutes
  • Invisible Plug & Play install within the air conditioning system
  • Simple, intuitive operation of the air conditioning system via the Loxone App – even remotely
  • Maximum convenience thanks to integration into the building automation system
  • Cost-effective heating and cooling thanks to PV integration and/or the Spot Price Optimiser

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