Cineplexx: A Loxone-automated Cinema

Arianna Panzanini
17th November 2020 in Case Studies
The Cineplexx in Vienna is one of the most, if not the most, modern cinema in Austria. Loxone intelligently automates their atmospheric lighting moods across the 13 cinema screens plus in the foyer area. Loxone has also enabled central management of any faults.

What’s been done?

Five Miniservers, being used in a client/gateway grouping, are handling the intelligent control and automation of the entire lighting system at Cineplexx. Approximately 800 DALI devices are being controlled by just under 30 Loxone DALI Extensions. 

Cineplexx wanted the ability to adjust the lighting scenes in each screen individually. It was important to them that they could make changes quickly and easily – giving them maximum flexibility.  

On this project, any fault messages are sent directly to the Loxone Partner via a push notification. This allows them to quickly address the issue via Remote Access. Which means the situation can be dealt with almost instantly saving the cinema from having to wait for an engineer to arrive on site.

Facts at a glance


13 screens
with over 2,700 seats

Cineplexx Millenium City Wien

Loxone Partner:
E-PORT Elektrotechnik GmbH

Loxone Hardware:
Miniservers (Gateway/Client)
DALI Extensions
Relay Extensions

Why Loxone?

Stable and reliable operation of a control system is essential for a cinema. The automation solution provided by Loxone offers exactly the stability we need. Should a problem ever occur, through an accidental change by one of the employees for example, Remote Access with Loxone allows for a lighting-fast response. Once, while I was on holiday in Mauritius, I received a fault message and I was able to rectify the situation immediately.  

Harald Winkler

CEO, E-PORT Elektrotechnik GmbH

Cineplexx Millennium City Wien
Cineplexx Millennium City Wien
Cineplexx Millennium City Wien
Cineplexx Millennium City Wien
Cineplexx Millennium City Wien

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