Revolutionising Solar & EV Charging: Maximise Savings with Loxone Building Automation

Jacob Sugden
24th March 2025 in Case Studies

SMC near Žilina, Slovakia shows how linking photovoltaics and automation delivers great results. The Loxone system helped them to efficiently manage the charging of electric vehicles, optimise energy consumption and reduce costs.

Loxone Partner, Ján Zmrhala from Easy Sun, supplied them with a comprehensive tailor-made solution. Included were Loxone Wallboxes, that allow intelligent charging control. Combined with NFC keypads, these make it easy to identify users via codes or key cards. Loxone’s intelligent system offers high flexibility and visibility, making it easy to manage the company fleet and monitor guest charging.

The only economic choice that met all the requirements, were chargers from Loxone. Thanks to the NFC keypad and the connection to the PV and electricity meter, they can manage the charging according to the current production and consumption.

Ján Zmrhala

Loxone Partner, EasySun

The central element of the whole solution is the Loxone Miniserver, which allows you to manage all processes in real time and ensures reliable communication between the individual elements of the system. It means that the system reacts to the current energy production, building consumption and charging needs, while allowing accurate recording and energy management.

Pohľad z dronu na budovu SMC a fotovoltiku
Loxone Wallbox nabíja elektrické auto

The Loxone App allows you to track production from photovoltaics, building consumption and charging status in real time, with automated reports to facilitate consumption management. The system dynamically adjusts charging power according to actual needs, thereby saves costs and increases efficiency.

The advantages of the Loxone system and the application itself lie primarily in its simplicity and practicality of use. It provides visibility into the system, allowing you to track exactly who charged what, when and how much, while also allowing you to share this data with your finance department or supervisors.

Tomáš Šomják

Managing Director, Spoločnosť SMC

SMC currently uses two charging stations with the possibility of easily expanding them. In the future, they plan to expand the system to include climate control, lighting and other processes in the building.

The photovoltaic power plant was the obvious choice for the company, but it was only the connection to the Loxone system that revealed its true potential. Excess energy from photovoltaics is efficiently used to charge electric vehicles, which significantly reduces costs and dependence on the public grid.

This project is proof that the combination of photovoltaics, Loxone Wallboxes and intelligent control delivers a modern and sustainable solution that combines savings with maximum comfort.

Photo Gallery:

Loxone Wallbox s NFC klávesnicou
Majitelia budovy majú prehľad o energetickom managemente budovy priamo v aplikácii Loxone
Aplikácia Loxone
Fotovoltaika na budove spoločnosti SMC

Copyright: Loxone Marketing Slovakia

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