New: Config

Jacob Sugden
7th August 2023 in Technology

We work everyday to continuously improve Loxone’s offering. With the latest Config version – – being no different. It brings functions that make working with our groundbreaking Loxone Config software even more intuitive for trained Loxone Partners.

Modbus Air

With Modbus Air, Modbus RTU-capable devices can now be integrated into any Loxone installation. Without any additional wiring being needed. With version, this functionality can now also be found in Loxone Config.

User administration and access control

The Loxone Config contains some new possibilities for user administration and access control. With additional options, and information, now being able to be assigned to a user. In addition, user-defined fields can be created and configured in the user description.
Furthermore, the transfer of the Trust from several users was simplified and the access control was extended.

Improved stability and performance

With the new Config version – – Loxone is even faster and more reliable. We were able to fix numerous bugs and further optimise the Loxone Config Software.

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