New: Config & App 14.2
Every day our developers are working hard to improve Loxone Config for our Partners and the Loxone App for users worldwide. Check out the new and exciting features of Loxone Config & App 14.2 below:
AC Control
The associated Function Block for the new AC Control Air is now in the official release version of Loxone Config. Meaning that it is straightforward for Loxone Partners to integrate air conditioners from different manufacturers into Loxone’s home and building automation.
New functionality has been added to the AC Control Function Block since the beta version, with it gaining new inputs which integrate Door & Window Contacts and a pause timer, which can be started via the app. This makes it easy to put the air conditioners into sleep mode.
Intelligent Room Controller
The intelligent room controller can now be used to set a further temperature in addition to the eco and comfort temperature. For example, if there is sufficient surplus solar energy or energy can be purchased at a cheaper rate – this new option allows you and you run the AC or heat pump to make the most of the cost effective opportunity. The actual temperature can be replaced according to the switching time – to either heat or cool.
Garage ventilation feature & bug fixes
As a new feature, you can now set a ventilation position for the door in the Garage/Gate Function Block, so as to enable optimal air circulation and ventilation when needed. Combined with CO2 measuring in a garage, for example, this is a great feature to automatically open the door slightly to avoid high levels of CO2 building up.
Of course, as in every Config release several issues & bug fixes have been made. A detailed overview of all changes can be found in the changelog.
The AC Control Air and the Intelligent Room Controller updates are of course also included in the new update of the Loxone App. In addition, the Spot Price Optimizer gets a new visualisation, which includes statistics and accessible control over the automation processes. Also in User Management, users can now be stored with a deactivation or deletion time. Plus, there is also something new relating to the Wallbox: manual charging modes can be adopted by all users whereas advanced settings and charging modes can only be configured by administrators. As with any update for the Loxone app, you can also look forward to several bug fixes.
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