How to customise the Touch Pure Flex
There are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of buildings in the world utilising and benefitting from the simplicity of the Loxone Switch Standard. However in large projects like hotels, a guest may be unfamiliar with the concept of the Switch Standard, meaning that there either has to be a sign explaining it (which does not look as sleek) or you can use the new addition to the Loxone line-up… the Touch Pure Flex. Our answer in the form of the Touch Pure Flex, is a product that is even more flexible and even easier to understand – making it perfect for use cases where there are lots of new users that have not experienced Loxone before and will only use it at that time for a short period.
Experience the new Touch Pure Flex that you have taylored precisely to its use case, through its customisable design – functions, icons, labels and more on one LED matrix display. For example a new user, like a hotel guest, will see how to easily control all of the functions in the room from the visual, custom Touch Pure Flex. Some common designs include temperature and audio control on the Touch Pure Flex. When this device is paired with the Loxone Intercom and/or the NFC Code Touch, the possibilities open up even further to create the likes of unique access codes and permissions for a wide range of guests.

The Touch Pure Flex also includes a built-in temperature and humidity sensor, which provides data readings from the room and helps contribute to the Loxone ecosystem maintaining the optimal desired room climate.
Create custom Touch Pure Flexs for each of your customer’s specific requirements. Select which functions you want to control directly using your Touch Pure Flex and add on the corresponding icons from an icon library of over 200 icons for the most simple and intuitive control.
Each Touch Pure Flex is precisely individually laser-printed to fulfill the custom orders. Meaning your customers have a complete configuration and interface to control desired functions. The product is delivered configured and then a Loxone Partner needs to use their skill to program it into the system.
Loxone Partners watch the video below to learn how to configure a Touch Pure Flex and integrate it into any Loxone project.
Plus for a more detailed insight check out the below webinar:
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