4 simple ways to reduce your energy bill
2018 was the worst year for energy prices in the UK, with bills rising an average of £74 per household. Unfortunately, we can’t stop the increases, but we still might be able to help. Here are 4 simple ways to reduce your energy bill; helping the environment and the piggy bank at the same time.

Switching off standby devices
Estimated savings: £80
Deep down we all know that stand-by devices are power guzzlers. However, most of us still don’t do anything about it. Perhaps that’s because we don’t realise how much money we could actually be saving.
Simply disconnecting standby devices from the electricity completely can save you up to £80 a year, according to The Energy Savings Trust. Bet that will have you looking around the house tonight.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
Our Smart Socket Air turns the most ordinary of sockets into intelligently controllable sockets. With minimal effort, you can completely disconnect devices from the power supply. Also, if you want to be super smart you can use a Smart Socket with a multi-socket, so you save electricity several times over.
P.S: You can even save electricity whilst using your devices. TV’s, for example, are often set to display the brightest image possible. This is simply unnecessary. Try dimming the display slightly. Not only will this save electricity, but it could also extend the lifespan of the device.

Switching off standby devices
Estimated savings: £80
Deep down we all know that stand-by devices are power guzzlers. However, most of us still don’t do anything about it. Perhaps that’s because we don’t realise how much money we could actually be saving.
Simply disconnecting standby devices from the electricity completely can save you up to £80 a year, according to The Energy Savings Trust. Bet that will have you looking around the house tonight.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
Our Smart Socket Air turns the most ordinary of sockets into intelligently controllable sockets. With minimal effort, you can completely disconnect devices from the power supply. Also, if you want to be super smart you can use a Smart Socket with a multi-socket, so you save electricity several times over.
P.S: You can even save electricity whilst using your devices. TV’s, for example, are often set to display the brightest image possible. This is simply unnecessary. Try dimming the display slightly. Not only will this save electricity, but it could also extend the lifespan of the device.

Close those windows… properly
Estimated savings: £114
2 + 2 = 4, nobody puts baby in a corner and having the windows open whilst the heating is on is silly. We’re not telling you anything you didn’t already know. However, what you probably didn’t know is that The Department of Energy estimate that 20-40% of your energy costs are leaking out of your home. Now, this does include energy loss through poorly insulated windows however, the biggest waste of energy was through windows simply left open. The average gas bill in the UK is £572, so even by taking the 20% estimation that’s £114 going straight out the window… literally!
So make sure to double check that you haven’t left a window slightly open next time you turn the heating on.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
Your home can inform you if you’ve got any open windows, using our Door and Window Contacts. In addition, it will automatically reduce the heating in the respective room if it detects that a window has been opened. Then if you close the window again, the heating will revert back to the set schedule.

Close those windows… properly
Estimated savings: £114
2 + 2 = 4, nobody puts baby in a corner and having the windows open whilst the heating is on is silly. We’re not telling you anything you didn’t already know. However, what you probably didn’t know is that The Department of Energy estimate that 20-40% of your energy costs are leaking out of your home. Now, this does include energy loss through poorly insulated windows however, the biggest waste of energy was through windows simply left open. The average gas bill in the UK is £572, so even by taking the 20% estimation that’s £114 going straight out the window… literally!
So make sure to double check that you haven’t left a window slightly open next time you turn the heating on.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
Your home can inform you if you’ve got any open windows, using our Door and Window Contacts. In addition, it will automatically reduce the heating in the respective room if it detects that a window has been opened. Then if you close the window again, the heating will revert back to the set schedule.

Using LED lighting fixtures
Estimated savings: £232
LED lights are not only significantly more durable than traditional light bulbs, but they’re also far more economical. Compared to their power-hungry predecessors, LED lights can use up to 60% less electricity. According to Which, homes using halogen bulbs spend an average of £378 a year running them. Whereas, that number drops to £146 for homes using LED bulbs. That’s a saving of £232.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
We recommend using our specifically developed LED lights. From modern spots to stylish pendants, we’ve got a range of lighting products to give you intelligent and energy saving lighting in your home.
P.S: Now you know this, the initial higher price of LEDs seems well worth it, doesn’t it? But it gets even better. As we said, the lifespan of LEDs is considerably longer than classic bulbs. LEDs are comfortably capable of operating for 20,000+ hours, compare that to conventional bulbs which normally struggle after 1,000 hours and we know which ones we’d prefer.

Using LED lighting fixtures
Estimated savings: £233
LED lights are not only significantly more durable than traditional light bulbs, but they’re also far more economical. Compared to their power-hungry predecessors, LED lights can use up to 60% less electricity. According to Which, homes using halogen bulbs spend an average of £378 a year running them. Whereas, that number drops to £146 for homes using LED bulbs. That’s a saving of £232.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
We recommend using our specifically developed LED lights. From modern spots to stylish pendants, we’ve got a range of lighting products to give you intelligent and energy saving lighting in your home.
P.S: Now you know this, the initial higher price of LEDs seems well worth it, doesn’t it? But it gets even better. As we said, the lifespan of LEDs is considerably longer than classic bulbs. LEDs are comfortably capable of operating for 20,000+ hours, compare that to conventional bulbs which normally struggle after 1,000 hours and we know which ones we’d prefer.

Turn the heating down… by 1°C
Estimated savings: £75
When it comes to energy saving it really is the small things that add up. There’s no better example of this than turning down your heating by just 1°C. You’ll hardly notice the difference in temperature but you’ll definitely notice the difference in your energy bill. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that this little trick could save you £75 a year.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
The intelligent heating control not only ensures that your rooms are always at the desired temperature, but it also self-learns to optimise itself in order to achieve the comfort temperature in the most energy efficient manner.
However, that alone is not enough for us at Loxone, so we go a step further. While you are not at home, the heating system is automatically lowered. When you arrive back, your home will already be at your desired comfort temperature. All you have to do is set what times you usually arrive back from work. From there your home will take care of the rest.

Turn the heating down… by 1°C
Estimated savings: £75
When it comes to energy saving it really is the small things that add up. There’s no better example of this than turning down your heating by just 1°C. You’ll hardly notice the difference in temperature but you’ll definitely notice the difference in your energy bill. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that this little trick could save you £75 a year.
In a Loxone Smart Home:
The intelligent heating control not only ensures that your rooms are always at the desired temperature, but it also self-learns to optimise itself in order to achieve the comfort temperature in the most energy efficient manner.
However, that alone is not enough for us at Loxone, so we go a step further. While you are not at home, the heating system is automatically lowered. When you arrive back, your home will already be at your desired comfort temperature. All you have to do is set what times you usually arrive back from work. From there your home will take care of the rest.
– Special Tip –

Experience Loxone in person.
Energy saving is just the tip of the iceberg with Loxone. Come and experience all of the wonderful features a Real Smart Home can offer. Book a free info session today.