Loxone UK’s Future – Brexit
This month, the UK heads to the polls to decide whether or not we should leave the European Union. Those for and against us leaving have presented endless arguments on how they want us to vote. Now, I’m not here to sway your opinion or suggest how you should vote – I rather wanted to share some information on how the result might impact Loxone UK and the business we do with yourselves, our Loxone Partners.
One of the benefits of being in the EU most widely yelled from the rooftops is trade agreements. So if we weren’t in the EU, does this mean that trade between us and other European countries would make it more difficult for businesses like Loxone to operate? Well – no one knows for sure. What we can say is that we at Loxone UK are absolutely committed to being in the UK and continuing to provide excellent levels of ongoing support and customer service to our Partners, regardless of how the country votes.
As part of the wave of media coverage that the topic of Brexit is commissioning, The Guardian has put together an interesting article; ‘What would Brexit mean for UK trade deals?’. In the article, Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) national chairman – Mike Cherry – rightly so points out that ‘the truth is, no-one can really predict how trade will be affected if the UK does leave the EU’.
So although we don’t know for sure what would happen if we leave the EU, we can confidently say that if that is the 23 June referendum outcome, you won’t need to worry about what that would mean for Loxone UK and our Partners.
But Loxone products are manufactured in Austria and imported as-and-when a Partner places an order – so would the price change if we left the EU? Basically, we don’t anticipate that the ex VAT price would change based on the Brexit outcome. If it means that we as a company have to internally change the way we sell the product – like having the product stocked in the UK from our own warehouse rather than importing on an order-by-order basis from Austria – then that is what we would do. If this is done, there would be no change in the way you place your order either.
With Loxone being an international company, shipping to 99 countries and with offices already in countries outside of the EU (Switzerland and the US) – it is fair to say that we have existing structures in place to best serve our Partners regardless of if we stay in or leave the EU.