Smart security with Auto Configuration
We have already introduced many security features in our blog series around security in a Real Smart Home. Now we would like to show you how these extensive functions are implemented in Loxone Config.

Delivering a Real
Smart Homes
In order for you, as a Loxone Partner, to be able to offer your customers an even greater range of functions, we are constantly developing our software tool, Auto Configuration. Auto Configuration allows you to create a Real Smart Home with all the security features at your fingertips.
Three steps to a secure Real Smart Home
Auto Configuration includes all the features needed to keep your customers’ Real Smart Home safe from burglary, fires, storms and frost. Follow these steps to offer smart security to your customers with all-round protection.

Add devices:
In order to create the ideal starting point for the Auto Configuration feature, all planned safety and security products such as the Smoke Detector Air, Motion Sensor and Water Sensors must be added and correctly assigned in Config. It’s very important here to assigned to the correct room for each device as this affects the way they appear in the app for your customer and can affect the functionality too. Below you will see the labeled devices planned for this installation on the Periphery tab.

Select rooms & features:

Now you can click ‘Auto Configuration’ in Loxone Config to have smart security features for a Real Smart Home automatically configured for you.

Next, check the selected rooms and corresponding features that you want Auto Configure to take care of. You can choose from a full list of features found in a Real Smart Home.




Room off


Leaving House



Select central functions:
You will then see all available central functions that affect the entire house. Here you will also find all safety-related functions such as storm and frost protection, the fire and water alarm, as well as the burglar alarm. With just one click of a button, Auto Config takes care of the entire configuration for you.

Smart security – all taken care of thanks to
Auto Configuration
Click through our blog series below to discover all the smart security features that Auto Configuration automatically does for you as a Loxone Partner – so you can be assured you’ll be delivering a Real Smart Home for your customers from the get-go.

Delivering a Real
Smart Home