XSYS Automation become a Loxone Gold Partner
You may remember that we featured one of their projects on a Smart Gardens showcase blog.
Hi Kevin, can you start by telling us about your background and how you became interested in home automation?
I trained as an industrial electrician and process control technician and worked in that industry for nearly 10 years.
I became interested in home automation after purchasing a new build home on a large development that had home automation installed. This was a simple system that controlled heating, hot water and had an away feature that turned off the lighting etc. Unfortunately, there have been many reliability issues with the system not working due to how it was designed. This led me to look for a proper home automation solution.
What made you decide to become a Loxone Partner?
I decided to become a Loxone Partner because I was interested in starting my own business and working for myself. I specifically chose Loxone because the system components and wiring method is familiar to the type of automation systems I have previously worked on. I also like how Loxone can be used for a very specific task or a full-blown smart home system.
I am involved with everything the business does from initial contact with a customer, estimating, quoting, install and programming.
What makes XSYS Automation different?
It is a small company but I like that I can provide a tailored and flexible service to my customers and I am willing to go the extra mile to find the best solutions to unique requests or install challenges.
What has your dedicated journey to Gold involved?
My journey to becoming a Loxone Gold Partner has involved a mixture of large projects that make use of all the features of Loxone and small specific installs.
How would you encourage other Partners to reach for Gold?
Work hard to the best of your ability, ensure the customer is happy and most importantly get the planning of the project right.
What has been your biggest/favourite project (with Loxone)? What challenges have you faced?
My favourite project was my first ever install. I dived in at the deep end with a full Loxone install with all the features. I had lots to learn not just about domestic installation but learning to run a business. It helped to have such a great customer who was into technology and knew what he wanted.
Which features are popular with your customers?
Automated heating and music seem to be the biggest requests. I do generally point customers on a new build towards an automated lighting and heating setup as a minimum install but also recommend that they spend money on installing cables for future features such as music or automated blinds.
How have your customers benefitted from living in a Loxone Smart Home?
I think my customers have benefitted from the convenience of having an automated home. For example letting Loxone look after the heating, being able to walk through the house with the lights turning on and off automatically. Having these features automated also helps to save energy. Home automation seems to be a great talking point amongst their friends too.
What would be your ultimate home automation project?
My ultimate project would be a large new build eco or passive house where I can tie all the different technologies such as ground source heat pumps, solar panels and ventilation systems into one system controlled via Loxone to try and achieve the most efficient house possible.
In your opinion, where will the smart home industry be, in the UK, in 2020?
Home automation seems to be a growing market so hopefully this continues into 2020 and more people become aware of what is possible. I also think home automation is becoming more of a requirement with home buyers/builders especially of my generation who have grown up surrounded with technology.
If you could give one piece of advice to someone thinking of having Loxone installed, what would it be?
Do your research on the features you would like, get a Loxone Partner on board and listen to their suggestions. Try and go for as many features as you can and if there is a budget then concentrate on installing cables for these features so they can be added in later when funds allow.