Does A Smart Home Need The Cloud?

Does A Smart Home Need The Cloud?

A recent article on ZDNet brought up a good topic: the lifespan of tech nowadays. Look at your mobile phone, now look at me, now look at your mobile phone…how long have you had it? Most of us start feeling the need (it’s more a want, but that’s just semantics) for a...
JSJ Smart Homes become a Loxone Gold Partner

JSJ Smart Homes become a Loxone Gold Partner

We are thrilled to congratulate Stefan Knight and his team at JSJ Smart Homes Ltd on achieving Gold Partner status! JSJ, based in London and the surrounding areas, have a reputation for exceptional attention to detail in their projects, a quality that has seen them...
Loxone UK’s Future – Brexit

Loxone UK’s Future – Brexit

This month, the UK heads to the polls to decide whether or not we should leave the European Union. Those for and against us leaving have presented endless arguments on how they want us to vote. Now, I’m not here to sway your opinion or suggest how you should vote...
Loxone in action at Casa Botelho

Loxone in action at Casa Botelho

Exquisite design meets intelligent home automation at a recently refurbished London home. It was a very early morning for us at Loxone last week Thursday as we jumped on to the M4 and made our way to Casa Botelho in London for a press event that we would be hosting....
Omid’s Law: Should We Embrace The Universal Remote For Controlling Our Homes?

Omid’s Law: A Guide To House Wiring

In a world where everyone is talking about wireless, wiring is often overlooked, yet it is still one of the most essential parts of any communication system, providing reliability and robustness that cannot be rivalled by our convenient wireless friend. In fact, the...