Home Office: Tips to Increase Productivity

Home Office: Tips to Increase Productivity

To help limit the spread of COVID-19, in-line with advice from the Government, many people are now working from home. With Loxone, it’s possible to create a perfect working environment in your home. So to help you get the most out of your workspace we’ve put together...
How automation can help prevent the spread of viruses

How automation can help prevent the spread of viruses

As the world remains on its toes due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, one bit of advice has been reiterated more than any – wash your hands! Viruses spread onto our hands very easily due to the number of things we touch during a typical day. But what if we could...
How Much Does A Smart Home Cost?

How Much Does A Smart Home Cost?

If you’ve recently begun your journey to smart home enlightenment, one of the first questions on your list is likely to be “this sounds great but how much is it all going to cost?” With so many options now available, deciding on which solution offers the best value...
4 simple ways to reduce your energy bill

4 simple ways to reduce your energy bill

2018 was the worst year for energy prices in the UK, with bills rising an average of £74 per household. Unfortunately, we can’t stop the increases, but we still might be able to help. Here are 4 simple ways to reduce your energy bill; helping the environment and...
Burglary protection in a smart home

Burglary protection in a smart home

Crime statistics show that a burglary occurs almost every minute across England and Wales. Being burgled isn’t a momentary event that only affects our home and belongings; it can have a lasting impact on our lives. The level of security in your home can be a...