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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralAlarm Clock in School Holidays
4 years ago
Alarm Clock in School Holidays

Is there a way to remove School Holidays mode from the Alarm clock schedule? Just because the children are at home and need their rooms heating does not mean I don’t need to get up for work on weekdays!

It would help if the Alarm Clock schedule was flexible like other schedules to allow the user to add/remove modes from the parameters rather than School Holidays being locked in place?


4 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Peter

All operating modes are available for use in the alarm clock, however this does not mean that they inherently do or don’t have schedules on them.

Simply set your alarm for Monday to Friday. Operating modes are not mutually exclusive of each other, i.e it can be School Holidays a Monday and a Weekday all at the same time. As long as an alarm is set for one of the modes that is active the alarm will go off.

Please post screenshots of what you mean if I have not understood correctly.



4 years ago

It doesn’t seem to work that way. At the moment I have a "Lockdown 3" Operating Time that is enabling School Holiday mode until 8th March to allow the heating to operate in the children’s bedrooms.
If I set an alarm to operate on specific days e.g. Sat/Sun, then the next time the alarm will operate is 13th March – i.e. the first Saturday after the School Holiday mode ends.
SXcVkUIQ3vI6HxNxA6JBuUtdmd04q_INRi79CqIQR8ws1?width=531&height=319&cropmode=none” alt=”Alarm without School Holidays” />
If I include School Holiday in the alarm schedule then it operates tomorrrow and ignores the Sat/Sun options.
Alarm with School Holidays
With other schedules the highest priority "Mode" wins, so if you don’t want School Holidays to influence the schedule you do not enable it in the schedule, this is the Master Bedroom heating schedule.

Whereas there does not seem to be an option to remove School Holidays from the Alarm Clock schedule. Am I missing something?

4 years ago

First screenshot there does not seem to be showing. And no amount of editting seems to want to let it show. So, what it shows is similar to the 2nd screenshot, but the next occurence is showing as "Sat 13.03, 08.45", and obviously the repeat is only showing Sat and Sun.

4 years ago

Hi Peter,

This does appear to be not quite right. From this point I think as this is a specific issue with your installation if you could raise a support ticket with Loxone. A support representative can then get a copy of your config, test, and if it is indeed a bug report to the development team.

If you are in the UK please email [email protected], otherwise [email protected]

