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4 years ago
Apple M1 chip support

Hi Loxone developers

Im running Loxone Config on an intel Mac with parallels. What will happen when intel Mac are phased out, and all Macs are running on Apple silicon M1 chips with an ARM instruction set? Will you port Loxone Config to MS Windows for ARM? I’d loath to have to buy an Intel Windows box!

Please let us know what your plans are.


1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi, I currently use Loxone Config on a M1 Mac Mini with the technology preview of Parallels and Windows for Arm and it is working really great with the W32 emulation. The wake of the vm is really quick and perform well even with only 1GB of ram.

I also tried Crossover form Codeweavers. It’s also working but the graphical performance are worse and the font on the labels are not visible with the standard zoom.

I also hope to get soon a version of the Loxone app for Apple Silicon or to be able to install the iPad version on the Mac.

The Electron framework is available for Apple Silicon, VSCode use it, so I’m hopefull for a solution on the near future…