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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: ProductsBattery Powered Blind to integrate with Loxone?
5 years ago
Battery Powered Blind to integrate with Loxone?

Hi, can anyone recommend a battery powered motor that I can retrofit into existing roler blinds? And that are capabale of integrating with the minserver. Thanks.

1 Answers
5 years ago

Hi Aidan,
I do know Qmotion have some really nice solutions and we can integrate with the via their mesh interface which is basically a little device that sits on the LAN so we can hence communicate with them, it’s 5V USB power FYI. I do belive there have been some changes recently though. If you want to speak to a tech person at Qmotion speak to: Mike Dalton: 01908047980 or if you need a blind supplier speak to Rob: [email protected]. A really good company is also is: https://www.inspiringcurtainsandblinds.co.uk

5 years ago

Thanks Stefan, that’s very helpful, I’ll check them out. Much appreciated, Aidan