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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigCan you read a json into loxone?
3 years ago
Can you read a json into loxone?

Hey everyone. Is it possible to read a json url into loxone? Fo e.g I want to read data from an air quality sensor and just display it into a screen in loxone. Has anyone managed to do this? Thanks.

1 Answers
3 years ago

You can read values from a json file into the miniserver, you need a Virtual Http Input, and in the "Command Recognition" field you use something like \i"FieldName":"\i\v – the \i encapsulate the value to look for in the file, and the \v indicates that the miniserver should take the numeric value following the \v. The value ends up in your Virtual Http Input variable and you can use it however you like from there.

3 years ago

So if i understand it, i have to take the “fieldname”and replace it with ‘active_power_l1_w’. taken from the folowing json.

{“smr_version”:42,”meter_model”:”Landis + Gyr LGBBFFB231096134″,”wifi_ssid”:”ons uus”,”wifi_strength”:100,”total_power_import_t1_kwh”:15824.578,”total_power_import_t2_kwh”:13343.079,”total_power_export_t1_kwh”:625.529,”total_power_export_t2_kwh”:1751.908,”active_power_w”:-1151,”active_power_l1_w”:-246,”active_power_l2_w”:-371,”active_power_l3_w”:-534,”total_gas_m3″:10572.142,”gas_timestamp”:220320160000}

If i want the activ power from L1 displayed in my config?

3 years ago

Found it! Thank you.