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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigEasy Transfer from tree ext to gen2 miniserver
4 years ago
Easy Transfer from tree ext to gen2 miniserver


I have purchased and installed a gen2 miniserver, the old tree extension is still configured is there an easy way to transfer within the config? so i can remove the old tree extension.

Thanks Nick

1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Nick

Within config follow the Miniserver Replace dialog by right clicking the Miniserver in the periphery list in config. After this the config will have moved to the new Minisverver.

At this point the Tree items will still be listed under the Tree Extension so open the Tree device search and unpair them (don’t delete the items from the periphery). Now connect them to the Tree branch of the Miniserver, search again and re-pair, config will move the devices over from the Tree extension to the Tree branch of the Miniserver.

