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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralHas anyone added a ticket to add the Bond.io API for control?
4 years ago
Has anyone added a ticket to add the Bond.io API for control?

Integration with ceiling fans has always been a challange in the past. This company Bond works very reliably with the ceiling fans with discrete fan control options. I know Loxone can’t currently integrate with it due to the lack of sending curl commands. I would really like to see this resolved asap as clients expect a full solution from Loxone more than just switching power of a ceiling fan on or off. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

API doc


1 Answers
4 years ago


I think there may be a slight missunderstanding. cURL is not a protocol or command structure, merely a command line interface for providing a simplified method of communicating with devices over a supported protocol. Therefore cURL is irrelevant in this instance and what is more important is what protocol the device actually uses.

The website linked to keeps returning to the top of the page so I am unable to read all of the information. However the device appears to support a local API using HTTP GET commands with a simple token authentication system. This should be fully support by Loxone Virtual Outputs commands. You wouldn’t be able to receive responses, however in most cases this is not overly important.



4 years ago

Thank you for your response! I have so far been unable to to get it working from the virtual outputs. 1 way commands are certainly fine. We've spent some time with Loxone tech support trying as well with no luck and was told the matter was forwarded to the Austria team. I have not heard any response yet though.
Strange the site link won't scroll for you.

I think this link will work. I'm still not sure about the curl variables. This Bond device definently does not seem to handle itegration as simply as most all other devices designed to integrate.
If you could shed any more light on the matter, it would of course be greatly appreciated!
