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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralHow can I control the date and number format used by the loxone app’s?
4 years ago
How can I control the date and number format used by the loxone app’s?

I use the loxone app’s for Android and IOS and also the web interface (v11.2.2).

For all three user interfaces mentioned above, the date, time and number formats are in US format (12 hour AM/PM, dot as decimale separator, comma as thousand separator).

How can I change this to my normal regional repesentation: 24 hour format, comma as decimal separator and dot as thousand separator?

1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Patrick

First thing I would check is language of device/browser. Some strings are pulled from the Miniserver and some from the app locally on the device.

For instance Chrome by default tends to be in US English.

Secondly in Config, make sure your language selection at the top right is correct, then in the parameters of the project your date time format.



4 years ago

Hi Hugh,

Thank you for your advice, it's highly appreciated.
I did several tests on the user interfaces -both app and web- on the various devices I have in use.

In a nutshell:
– Changing the language in Loxone Config did not have any impact on the display format of date, time and numbers in the user interfaces. In Config itself I use English UK, the formats are correct: time in 24-hour format and comma as decimal separator, dot as thousands separator.
– Your advice to change the default language of the device and browser had partial success: The time is then showing in 24-hour format in the browser, but not in the apps (Android/IOS).
– I cannot get the numbers to show other than in US in format, no matter what I change. (comma as decimal separator, dot as thousands separator) on any of the devices.

So I have the impression that currently the number format in the user interfaces is hard coded to the US format…
If not so, any additional pointer towards which setting is affecting this would be highly appreciated. I would be happy to test and get it resolved.
Please see below for the details of the devices I have in use and the related findings.

Again thank you for your help, kind regards.

Miniserver: firmware

Windows PC
Windows 10: Country=Belgium, Regional format=English (Belgium).
Loxone config: Language=english UK -> date, time and number formats are correct (dd/mm/yyyy date format, 24-hour time, comma is decimal separator)
Web Interface using Chrome: after changing language to English UK, time format is now correct (24-hour). Numbers stay however still in US format (dot is decimal separator, comma is thousands separator)
Web Interface using Edge: after changing language to English UK, time format is now correct (24-hour). Numbers stay however in US format (dot is decimal separator, comma is thousands separator)

Android Tablet lifetab e1071x
Android 10: Google Account: Country=Belgium, Language=English. Date and time formats are correct in Android.
Loxone App: v12.0.0 (2021.01.15): time and number formats are US format (12-hour AM/PM time, dot is decimal separator, comma is thousands separator)
Web Interface using Chrome: after changing language to English UK, time format is now correct (24-hour). Numbers stay however in US format

IOS iPad 5th gen.
iPadOS 14.3: Country=Belgium, Language=English. Date, time and number formats are correct in IOS.
Loxone App: v12.0.0 (2021.01.15): time not displayed, number formats are US format (12-hour AM/PM time, dot is decimal separator, comma is thousands separator)
Web Interface using Safari: Time format is correct (24-hour). Numbers are in US format
Web Interface using Chrome: Time format is correct (24-hour). Numbers are in US format

IOS iPhone 12 Pro max
IOS 14.3: Country=Belgium, Language=English. Date, time and number formats are correct in IOS.
Loxone App: v12.0.0 (2021.01.15): time format is correct (24-hour), number formats are US format (12-hour AM/PM time, dot is decimal separator, comma is thousands separator)
Web Interface using Safari: time is not shown in this user ineterface. Number formats are in US format

4 years ago

Hi Patrick,

I feel at this point you may have to log a ticket with support in your specific Country, as this will likely need to be troubleshooted with you to find the specific cause. For me for instance I have no issues of incorrect date and time formats on any of my apps, they are all in UK standard.

You can contact support on [email protected]
