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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone Confighttp virtual inputs – is there a limit to the number of bytes in the http response?
4 years ago
http virtual inputs – is there a limit to the number of bytes in the http response?


I’m trying to use an http VI to retrieve energy data from my supplier. The http response is very long – in excess of 5000 bytes (there’s a lot more info in the response than I need!). I’ve tested the response successfully using the http request in multiple browsers, and have tested my command recognition sequence in loxberry (using the actual response).

However, in Loxone config, I can’t get a value extracted from the http response. No errors are reported.

So, I’m wondering – is there a limit the size of the http response on a VI?

2 Answers
4 years ago

Hi John

I have never seen a practical limit to an HTTP input. However I believe this is the wrong question. I think to offer a soluton we will need to see what HTTP input you are polling, the output of said website, and what information you are trying to parse from it and what has been attempted already.

From here we can see whether it is a simple mistake in the config or a limit on the data stream.



4 years ago

hi Hugh, I’ve now moved on from this and changed the http request to include a query that reduces the length of the response. This works ok.

I can’t share my http request / response as it includes my energy account details!

But for now, my problem is solved. But would still be worth knowing if there’s a size limit on a http VI!
