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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralIntelligent Room Controller – heating up phase
4 years ago
Intelligent Room Controller – heating up phase


i would like to ask you about the heating up phase that is displayed on loxone app on intelligent room controler. I have set up following schedule for my bedroom, where i have only one heating source, electric floor heating.

Present1: 00:00 – 05:00

Present2 18:00 – 22:00

Comfort is 21 Celsius, current temperature 20.5, with TaMin and TaMax = 3. But even at 6 or 7 am, the room is constantly in "heating up phase" despite the fact that the next comfort phase is expected in 10 hours. Why the saving mode doestnt kick in?

2 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Petr,

I have seen this too. For me the room temperature is set at 18.0c and the room is at 18.2c yet the IRC is asking for heat. Please see attached screenshot… I am fairly new to this so maybe a misunderstanding on my part.

Regards, Lindsey

4 years ago

I have solved mine by over-riding the fuzzy logic and setting Ths to 15. Works for now, but it seems a shame to over-ride such a clever system so I'll re-visit this soon. A bit more documentation on the IRC block would be handy, particularly what all the icons, half height bars and shading mean in the App.

4 years ago


For both of these issues please contact your Loxone Partner or Loxone support. The heating system uses predictive fuzzy logic to enable in advance of the comfort schedule to be on at the correct time, however for this to operate correctly a few settings need to be in place for the logic to work.

  1. Room sizes must be set for all rooms with heating/cooling.
  2. The intelligent room controllers should be linked to the correct climate controllers for the different sources of heating/cooling.
  3. Care should be taken that the parameters of the blocks match the heating systems in use.

