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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralIntelligent Room Controller – Operating Modes
4 years ago
Intelligent Room Controller – Operating Modes

I wanted to change the heating times over the Christmas holidays as we are in the house a lot more and the UFH is slow to warm up. So it I setup a new schedule in an Operating Mode (I used Warmer as it saves setting up a new one) and set the Operating Mode to run until next week. However, the room didn’t pre-heat this morning as it normally does for a typical Monday to Sunday schedule. Is that the expected behaviour?



1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Ewan

To be perfectly honest without knowing the enivronmental aspects of your house I couldn’t say.

In the background the intelligent room controllers are learning the time required to heat up and cool the room down by 1°C, this is then used in combination with some internal logic (fuzzy logic/PI loop) to determine whether heating should come on prior to the start of the schedule and stop before the end of the schedule.

In my house for example most of the glazing is East/West so I don’t get a large amount of solar gain. I find that my house takes a long time to build up heat i.e if the heating comes on to comfort for 5PM then the living spaces will take around three hours to reach this so actual turn on at 2PM. On the flipside however the house seems to then retain this heat for a long period of time, for example the main bedroom can still be at around 22°C at 5am despite the comfort schedule stopping at 9PM.

I then usually find that my ambient temperature has dropped below comfort at about 11am the next day.

So honestly, this could be correct. If desired you can turn on statistics in the parameters of the intelligent temperature controllers. This will give you a graph of the heat over time for each room in the app. Be aware however too many statistics can be detrimental to the longevity of the SD card.

