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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigIntelligent Room Controller – Person symbol in app
3 years ago
Intelligent Room Controller – Person symbol in app

Hi there – the person symbol in the app vor the IRC to manually indicate that someone is present works very nice. My wife is pressing it all the time to pre-heat rooms before see enters.

Could it be that the Tsc (Comfort Timer) is not being used when this button is pressed? It’s very easy to forget to turn this manual presence off. I would like to have some way to automatically turn it off if no one is actually detected in lets say the time in Tsc.

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Robbert

it is a great feature. It actually overuns Comfort until the next schedule entry, rather than based on a parameter so it is correct that Tsc isn’t used in this instance.

