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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Generalintercom video stopped
3 years ago
intercom video stopped

the intercom has been working fine until recently and i can no longer get any image, it would appear i was using the clouddns as the host, do I need to update this service or is it still available? Is there an alternative?

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Andrew

The Loxone Cloud DNS is still available and has had no fundamental changes to its operation, so providing your Miniserver was registered when originally installed there should be no issue.

If you are using the Gen.1 Miniserver then the Intercom Video (default port 8090 externally) needs to be port forwarded on your router.

If you have changed your router or internet provided recently then this port forwarding rule will likely need to be redone inside your router, details of this can be seen at the following documentation page https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/port-forwarding/

