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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigInterfacing With External Burglar Alarm
4 years ago
Interfacing With External Burglar Alarm


How best should I interface with an external Alarm, I have digital inputs for door sensors, night arm active, full arm active, fault and alarm active/sounding, and 0.5 second pulse outputs for night arm, full arm and disarm?

The arm goes takes 30 seconds to arm and cannot be disarmed mid arming only once fully set.

Many thanks for any guidance…


1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Nick

If you are using a Texecom Premier Elite then you can interface with this by using an RS232 Extension connected to one of the COM Ports of the panel. This will feed you all of the zone and area states, plus you can also send key presses to arm and disarm.

Otherwise as you have suggested take outputs from the panel into Digital Inputs for all sensors and area states. You can also (depending on panel) take a Loxone relay into a free zone on the panel and configure this for latch key operation. Then when the relay changes state it will arm/disarm the alarm.

