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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigKNX with Shutter controller
4 years ago
KNX with Shutter controller

I have problem to control my KNX Shutter with Loxone

I have one Bit with UP/Down and one Bit with Stop but i really dont understand how its work.

How should i set this 2 Bit when Open or close the shutter?

i have tried to use Automatic Blinds but not any big sucess.’

Please help me

1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Anders

I’m afraid without a greater amount of detail of exactly what you have, and what you are trying to do, preferably with pictures, then there will not be a lot of help the support community can offer.

If you would like to expand on the above I’m sure someone would be happy to help.

