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4 years ago
Large awning safety

Since a few weeks I have a large Awning at the back of my house and screens on all the windows of my home. All are equiped with Geiger motors. Loxone has a beautiful mechanism for letting the Miniserver learn the Air controllers. Everythings was done in less then 2 hours. After six years of Somfy misery this was a breeze.

I have programmed everything for automatic cooling and it all seems to work just wonderfull. I have 1 concern and that’s with the Awning. At windforce Beaufort 4 this one should not be extended at all. I’m planning to get the Air Weatherstation but that is not the case yet. I’ve programmed it so that the Awning is only extende when I’m home so I can keep an eye on it. Does the automation take windforce into consideration using the weather service?

4 Answers
4 years ago

Does nobody have the answer to this question?

4 years ago

If you have a weather station, you can use the data from it to properly control the central shading block. Based on changing weather data. If you have a weather service, you need to use the data from it and create the appropriate blocks.

4 years ago

Thanks for the reply Rafal,

Your answer is a ‘what’ but not a ‘how’. Do you know how?

4 years ago

The wind protection is something you have to configure yourself.

I also have a huge awning and do not only use the windspeed but also the expected gust of wind in one hour variable.

In the screenshot is also a frost and rain protection. As soon as it starts to rain the awing is retracted.

Beginning on the left of the screen shot you see 3 variables (wind speed, wind spewed + 1hr, Gust of wind) connected to a MinMax block, output is the Max. value of one of the variables. The max value is connected to a Threshold block. I have set the thresholds to On Value: 38 Off value 33. The next block is a switch-off delay block, it’s set to 2700 seconds. It prevents the awning going in and out too frequently. Next is a push switch block with an output pulse set to 0,02 S, it connects to a switch block. The switch block is connected to a "central shading" block. If you want to protect your screens to heavy wind as well you need to duplicate the configuration, set a higher max wind speed in the threshold block. Connect it another "central shading" block. Double click on this block and add the screens that were configured with local shading blocks.

Hope this helps.

4 years ago

Thanks that helps a lot. I guess you have the Air Weather Station? I will also buy that. How did you implement the ‘Windvlaag’ (gust)?

4 years ago

I’ve bought the Tree weather station but have regrets. I am sure the weather station will work fine but I can’t get a cable to where I want to install it. For now I use the variables from the online weather station. It comes with the weather station when you buy it.

I am very pleased with the online weather station. It is quite accurate and Loxone even recommends using the sunshine variable from the on-line weather station. I have a physical rain sensor connected to one of the spare ports from a Nano IO Air. This is the sensor: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07GD3J27T/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_PWGCVZAA1RKYBBSW8HAG

The gust variable will be visible once the online weather station is configured (piece of cake).

4 years ago

I’ve used my PV panels for ‘zonneschijn’ (sunshine). If it is over 1Kw I assume the sun is shining 🙂 It’s a bit too direct at the moment. If the sun shows it’s face for just a second the Awning start extending. I need to add some delay. F.i. if it shines longer than 10 minutes a it becomes true. Gusts are a real problem indeed. I’ve added a test for more than 20 meters/sec on the Weatherservice (I bought it several years ago for longest time available). Agree that the Weatherservice is pretty good.

4 years ago

The sunshine variable from the Loxone weather service gives you automatically that delay. The reaction period for sunshine = ON is slow. I know that my awning based on the variables sunshine and the storm/rain protection works wonderfully

4 years ago

Yes, I know that now. I've had interpreted it poorly. Removed my own Sunshine implementation all together and now rely on the Sunshine calculated by the Loxone system. For the big Awning I added a windspeed limitation that I can control from the App between 20 and 28 Kmh and connected that to the Sp (Safety shutdown). The Awning today is locked because the wind is too high. Works like a charm.