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4 years ago
Music Crossfade


I’m running 3 zones of audio through spotify family account using a loxone music server but i’m having issues where there is no crossfade betwwen each song. At the moment I have between 5-10 seconds where no music is playing and the client is getting annoyed as its in a resturant.

Please can anyone help find a way around this.

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Nathan

Crossfade is not a feature on the Music Server, however it is on the wishlist for future updates for the Audioserver, the Music Server from this point is likely unable to receive new featue updates and will just receive compatibility updates.

There should not be a 5-10 second delay, the switch from one track to the next takes a few milliseconds. The explanation is probably that the tracks chosen have a long or quite fade out which makes it seem like there is a delay.

Please keep an eye on the Audioserver changelog published here https://www.loxone.com/enen/support/downloads/ to see if and or when crossfade is added, and please speak to your Partner Coach with regards to options for an upgrade path for the customer.

