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4 years ago
new router

similar to another post, I have moved from an Orbi router to a BT hub and can no longer access the miniserver go either via config or the app. the bt router is using the range to . with a sub net of Previously I had the miniservere on I have cycled the power and tried to set the miniserver as either automatic network confif ( DHCP) or using a static address in the range of of my router. Neither worked.

The default gateway and primary dns server have both defaulted to the ip address of my router and the secondary dns is ( previously it was

Can anyone help me . thanks

2 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Simon,
I have found the miniserver to be remarkably stubborn with IP addresses. Your best bet might be to set the DHCP range of your new router to be the the same as the Orbi router, and give the miniserver a static IP of .
If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to plug the miniserver directly into your computer, give your computer a static IP address in the same range as the miniserver and see if you can reach the miniserver through a browser.
Don’t worry about the gateway address, should be fine.

4 years ago

Hi Simon

Provided the new router isn’t blocking broadcasts then you power cycle the Miniserver and within the first hour of power up follow the Device Configuration within config to send a new IP address to it.

If this is not working then as mentioned you will need to connect your laptop directly to the Miniserver to re-address it.

