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4 years ago


My question is regarding the nightlight on the ‘Touch Pure Tree’ (aka. the LED at he bottom of the switch).

I see I can add it in the moods and cycle through it, yet how can I leave it active? Say, after 19h, if no lights are active in the room the switch is in, the LED works. The moment we turn some light/mood on, the LED to be off.

Thank you,

Vlad I.

3 Answers
4 years ago

I do this a bit different. See if it works for you.

I connect the LED of all wired switches (even air versions with 24v power) to a switch function block – can even be a lighting controller. Either can left made visible in app (tick ‘use’) for manual control.

Pulse for sunset (connected to Tr) activates all the LEDs and pulse for sunrise (connected to R) turns them off.

This way, they are on regardless of mood when dark. Acts as a night light too. I do not connect the LEDs in any lighting controller.

4 years ago

Hi Vlad

I agree with Prem. The simplest logic you can use to achieve a similar result to what you are after as well as being reliable is to have all of the Backlights on a seperate switch block with independant On and Off inputs.

Any logic to attempt this with the Lighting controller, while possible will be overly complex.



4 years ago

I have the backlights controlled via Lighting Controllers so that the backlight comes on with motion when it’s dark, with an And function to suppress the backlight when the main light is on. There’s an additional trigger against the Mv input when the main light goes off.


