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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralOver current inputs
3 years ago
Over current inputs

Dear all,

There was accidental contact between the 24v+ and a 230V L wire, tripping the main differential. The loxone extension concerned still works, except for the inputs (both digital and analog ones).

I was wondering whether these inputs are now permanently damaged, or whether they are maybe protected by a fuse that I can replace? In the latter case, can anyone give me guidance on how to do this?

Thanks in advance,


1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Bart

To my knowledge, there are no internal fuses on the PCB of the product, instead there is most likely a soldered voltage regulator that has likely burnt out.

As the PCB is machine soldered, this may be above the ability of a person to remove and replace, but best to reach out to Loxone support for full advice.

