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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigPresence Block Pairing versus input
4 years ago
Presence Block Pairing versus input


Has anyone found out why the Presence block needs to be paired with presence sensors? If you have paired the presence block with a presence sensor, do you also need to add the sensor feed into the IAct input, or will it just magically connect?

I get that presence can be indicated by many factors other than just a presence sensor, put if you just have a basic setup then is there actually any benefit to using the presence block over just putting the presence signal into the P input of the lighting block?



1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Lindsey

Connecting the Presence input to IAct is functionally the same as ticking the sensor within the Presence block. So don’t do both.

The advantage of the Presence block, and assigning the sensor within the block is that the Th timer of the Presence block is used for the overrun time of the sensor itself, ensuring that you don’t accidentally end up with multiple overruns, and providing a single simple place to change this parameter.

