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5 years ago
Presence / Lighting

Is there documentation for the updated lighting controller – in particular the new addition P input.

I have noticed that since version 11.1, the MT value on existing function blocks is being ignored – only some, not all,

Not sure if this in an issue but would help if there was updated documentation. Thanks.

3 Answers
4 years ago

I have a similar problem, in the latest version of LoxoneConfig this implementation https://www.loxone.com/enen/kb/challenge-ambient-outside-lighting/ does not work. The light turns off and does not go back to Ambient.

4 years ago

Hi Dietrich, this is a known bug. If you use a lighting mood other than ‘Bright’ (assigned to the ‘O’ input) then the logic from the challenge will work as expected. KR Hugh

4 years ago

I don’t really understand what you mean. Can you share a screen.

4 years ago

Hi Dietrich. Apologies, in some scenarios a bug can appear on the functionality described when updating. Please delete the mood used with motion and then create a new mood and assign within the automatic tab. After this the functionality will work as before

4 years ago

It works. Thx.

4 years ago

Hi Prem. Thank you for getting in touch! As the community is for discussions and sharing of ideas among Loxone Partners and consumers alike, I would ask you to please send specific documentation feedback to [email protected] Alternatively, you can contact your local Loxone office for more information. Kind regards Hugh

4 years ago

Hi, I am having a trouble with this similar issue, while its on display mood until motion sensor picked up then it turned off after motion sensor completed rather go back to display mood.

4 years ago

Hi Carl, as above there is a known bug relating to this functionality that is currently being worked on. Within the latest version of config all known issues are shown within the block, and also on the dashboard of config and you should be able to find out more information here.

For the time being please try as above, delete the moods and then re-add them. Otherwise please keep checking the changelog in new releases until you see that the bug has been resolved.
