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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: GeneralQuestion marked resolved when it isn’t – how to re-open?
4 years ago
Question marked resolved when it isn’t – how to re-open?

How can I flag a question as still open?

My question on the recommended way to provide a timed heating schedule has been marked as answered, and while that answer (from a fellow user was helpful) I think the question is still ‘live’. I can’t see a way to change the status back to ‘open’.


1 Answers
4 years ago

Hi Philip

Just because a question is marked resolved does not mean it is closed, you can still reply to it and the status will change. Marking as resolved is done our side when we believe a correct answer has been given, this makes it easier to track which questions have had no answers yet, and for the rest of the community to know an answer has been posted if they have the same question.

