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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigSkylight block analogue input AIp
4 years ago
Skylight block analogue input AIp

Hi All,

Has anyone managed to use the analogue input on the skylight block successfully?

Although it does work in theory (if you input a value of 30 the skylight will move to 30% open) it seems very hard to actually use since as soon as you take away the 30 input (for example using a multiplexer) the input drops to zero and the skylight obediently closes. If you keep the 30 input switched on, then other inputs are disabled.

My use case is that when the weather is warm you may want to have the rooflight fully open during the day but close it to 10% at last light to allow for a small amount of ventilation.

All help appreciated!

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Lindsey

Unfortunately this is the joy of logic, what you have described is the functionality of these inputs because it is how the logic operates a change will be commited and on an analogue input ‘0’ is a value.

The solution is probably to instead use the O and C inputs and to hold them for the specific time you would like to open/close for.

Using an assupmtion of 10 seconds to open/close skylight

i.e. in your scenario IF temperature > x then trigger CO input. Then Pulse at Dusk to Switch Off Delay set for 9 seconds to C input.



3 years ago

Hi Hugh, many thanks for this.

I managed to create a solution by monitoring the AQp output of the skylight controller. When this drops to <= 10% then it sends a pulse to the R input which stops the rooflight. Works a treat!

