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Last night I upgraded to, eveything worked before, except presence detection using the ceiling light air, this had worked but worked out it stopped when I upgraded to I think thats the version number.
My problem is that my tree spots do not come on with the momentary switch, this is actually connected to a multiclick block so one click spots on or off 2 clicks lounge ceiling light (air) comes on and three clicks turns off lights. None of this is now working. The only light that comes on via a switch is my bathroom mirror light, which is connected to a Nano IO Air and the momentary switch is connected to one of the digital inputs.
I can activate the lights via the app, but not ideal as I very rarely use the app.
As I have said everything worked before the upgrade except the presence sensing, which turned on the ceiling light at night time when detecting motion.
All I can say I am glad its not a clients house.
Its seems these days that Loxone breaks as many things as it fixes in the new releases of its config software. And with most installs being quite complex in their set up having to either work out a work around or having to redo an install just becuase Loxone broke something in the config update isn’t very good.
And another thing, why can’t Loxone translate properly into English. I guess half translated is better than nothing. Was looking up T5/1-8 in the lighting block and I get this
Der erste Klick wählt die zugewiesene Stimmung aus, jeder weitere schaltet auf die nächste Stimmung.
Wenn 30sec lang kein weiterer Impuls erfolgt, wird bei einem erneuten Klick wieder die zugewiesene Stimmung gewählt.
Ein Langzeitklick mischt je nach Konfiguration die Stimmung ein oder wechselt auf die nächste konfigurierte Stimmung.
Ein Doppelklick schaltet alles aus und liefert Impuls auf RQ.
Ein Dreifachklick schaltet alles aus und liefert Impuls auf RaQ.
Loxone are really starting to annoy me, it just shows a lack of quality control.
Good Morning Stephen
Version is a Public Beta of Loxone Config, and as any Beta from any software developer it may contain bugs and missed translations, this is not a fault but merely the cycle of software development.
It is also clearly stated on our Public Beta page that we do not recommend this version for use on customer installations or mission critical applications
There is a later Public Beta available if you would like to try this, otherwise the next release version is due out imminently.
If you believe you have discovered bugs in a public beta version then we welcome these to be reported so that they can be fixed prior to release. The correct format for the report of this is to technical support directly (the Support Community is for users of Loxone to interact) or through the form on the bottom of the Public Beta page.
As of 22nd Feb 2021 the current release version of Loxone Config is
Thanks for the response. And I do understand the problems with Beta versions.