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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigVirtual Input to get feed back from relay controller
4 years ago
Virtual Input to get feed back from relay controller


Requesting assistance for integrating relay controller from other manufacturer.

I have a project running on Kincony relay controller and I want to integrate Loxone Miniserver in this project. I have successfully managed to get to trigger (ON/OFF) the outputs of the relay controller from Loxone App. The only issue I have is when the outputs of the relay controller are trigerred (ON/OFF) with manufacturers (Kincony) App/Manual switch/RF remote, I do not get the status/feedback in Loxone App.

I request your assistance with the Virtual input settings.

Link to my video


Link to the manufacturers site of the relay controller with details of the protocol


Thank you

1 Answers
4 years ago


You will not be able to get status feedback if the device only provides this over a TCP connection. TCP requires a handshake and therefore a held connection to the Miniserver, therefore Virtual Inputs only issue this handshake when they look for a change in status, if the status change ocurred outside of this polling time then it would not be seen.

UDP Inputs are stateless and therefore can be used for your usecase, if the device supports them. However with UDP you have the chance that signals will be missed.

