Home Automation with Loxone

Home automation is the intelligent control and management of multiple components in a home – lighting, heating, audio, blinds, etc. Loxone offers a comprehensive solution with specifically developed hardware and software to bring all aspect of a home under the control of one easy-to-use system.

How does home automation work with Loxone?

At the heart of a Loxone system is our green Miniserver – think of this as the brain of the system. It acts as a central point of control for your home, detecting when an action is required (lights on in the kitchen, for example) through our range of intelligent sensors. It then sends the command to the relevant bit of kit (the kitchen spotlights, in our example).

By automatically taking care of thousands of tasks Loxone increases the level of comfort in your home, while also reducing your energy consumption. Home automation with Loxone means that your lighting, heating, blinds, audio, security and more all work together as part of one harmonious system – this is all done automatically without you needing to do anything on a day-to-day basis. However, this does not mean that you cannot control the system if you want to. Should you want to change the lighting mood, skip to the next track on the album, etc. you can quickly do this using one of our intelligent control points or via the free Loxone App.

An example of home automation with Loxone

Take a look at this tour of our showhome to get a sense of home automation working in an actual home.

If you’d like to see more examples of home automation with Loxone, we have a wide range of case studies for you to browse.

Home Automation Inspiration

What’s great about a Loxone home automation system is it’s extremely versatile, meaning that there’s a solution for every individual need on a case-by-case basis – meaning you can have your system configured to work exactly how you want it.


Loxone home automation takes care of a wide range of everyday tasks automatically, so you don’t have to worry about them.

Home Automation Blinds
Blind control for privacy
Home Automation for Window Control
Open window alert if it rains
Energy Saving

Loxone provides you with a greater level of energy-efficiency and ultimately saves you money from the reduced energy costs.

Home Automation Lighting
Use lighting to indicate the energy source
Home Automation Systems Solar panels
Excess Solar Energy Management

Energy Saving

Loxone provides you with a greater level of energy-efficiency and ultimately saves you money from the reduced energy costs. Check out the regularly updated Loxone Energy Hub for the current saving numbers and energy focused blogs.


Loxone is a great home automation solution for families and can individually adapt to each member of the household.

Home Automation Night Mode made up of Low Light Level in the Colour Blue
Children’s Night
Home Automation allowing Parent to still sleep

Parents-are-still-sleeping alert

Garden & Wellness

Home automation with Loxone doesn’t stop at your back door, we can also intelligent automate your garden and wellness facilities.

Home Automation Managing Pool Water Quality
Pool Water Quality Monitoring
Home automation watering the garden

Automatic Watering of the Garden

Garden & Wellness

Home automation with Loxone doesn’t stop at your back door, we can also intelligent automate your garden and wellness facilities.

AAL – Ambient Assisted Living

With the help of home automation, people in need of care (and their relatives) can be helped out with some of the challenges they may face.


AAL Monitoring System


AAL Emergency Button

Frequently Asked Questions about Home Automation
What does home automation include?

Being a holistic ecosystem home automation includes all the major systems inside and outside of your home, including heating, lighting, multimedia, shading, access, security, etc. It brings together the different technologies in your home – so home automation includes as much or as little as you would like it to. This is about drastically reducing the number of daily tasks for the resident and making their life easier as everything is being controlled via our app.

What is the difference between smart home and home automation?

A smart home is made up of isolated island technology systems that all operate separately with separate remote controls. Whereas home automation is a holistic automated ecosystem in which all of your devices are interconnected and can communicate with each other. This means that the home can act in a coordinated manner around you, completely on its own. However, home automation systems will differ, there are those which will try to combine island solutions, and there are those that only offer their solution. Loxone as a home automation system tries to bring the best of both approaches by offering a wide range of proprietary products with the option to integrate other devices based on established home automation industry standards.

Does home automation save energy?

The simple answer is yes! The reason for this is that a high-quality home automation system, like Loxone, directs the energy based on a priority list meaning that energy is used in the most efficient way possible. For example, when the solar PV is producing a lot of electricity, to make the most of this excess, you want to run the washing machine and the home automation system will automatically do this for you. The opposite is the case when producing low levels of electricity from solar PV then only the essentials are powered. Also, the home automation system will turn off all on-standby devices while you are out of the house. See the numbers and examples of this on our Energy Hub. Home automation can also save energy by showing usage data to users so that you can make informed decisions about how and when to use devices in your home, similar to the concept of a smart meter.

When was the latest home automation technology released?

The latest home automation technology was released on December 2022 introducing a range of energy-saving products that can be added to a Loxone home automation installation. There are hardware and software releases for home automation and Loxone is at the forefront of innovation; setting new standards and releasing products on a regular basis. While doing this, Loxone also makes sure that home automation devices that were released many years ago are still supported and still receive free firmware updates.

Can I install home automation myself?

The answer to this question depends on what you are looking for: if you are looking for a completely coordinated holistic home automation system that is seamlessly integrated into your house then the answer is no, you would need to contact a trained home automation engineer to install your system for you. Just as people wouldn’t generally wire their own home, install their own triple-glazing, etc – it’s often best to turn to professionals in the home automation industry to specify and install the system. That said; don’t get mixed up between home automation and smart home devices. So, if you are looking for smart products that are individual island systems, such as off-the-shelf technology, then the answer is yes, you can install these yourself.

Want to retrofit home automation?

Do you want to quickly and easily add home automation to your existing home? No problem! For retrofitting we have our wireless technology Loxone Air and our Miniserver Go which allow you to install home automation without the need to pull cables.

Loxone Home Automation being cloud free
Home automation with privacy

One more thing… The question about privacy and your data is a common question. We believe everyone has the right to privacy and the protection of their personal data. That’s why Loxone keeps your data where it belongs – on your Miniserver. Unlike other systems (e.g. Alexa or Siri), there is no storage or processing of your data in a cloud. Sensitive data, such as the number of people at home, schedules, camera images of door intercom systems, the status of the alarm system, etc. remain in your own four walls.

Now you know

This page has hopefully highlighted to you what home automation is, the different areas it is involved in and how it can be installed. We hope that you have found this information as you decide if home automation will be right for you – whether you are adding it to your self-build, renovation or extension. We encourage you to take the time and really understand how home automation can be different to smart home technology. We are here to offer you advice and guidance – without any obligation. If you are near our home automation showroom in Theale, Reading then you are also welcome to visit us to experience it first-hand. We can then identify a suitable professional in your area who could assist you further with your project.

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From the large network of Loxone installers around the UK, we’ll help you find the perfect one for your project.

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We’re simply here to help you, there are zero obligations to go ahead with anything. As long as we’ve been able to give you good advice, we’re happy.

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