Here you will find all the release notes for the new Loxone App!
Loxone Apps:
Changelog & release notes
- Android running 6.0 or later
- Wear OS running 1.0 or higher
- Android Wear running 1.4 or higher
- iPhone/iPad running iOS 14.5 or later
- AppleWatch running watchOS 6 or later
- macOS running MacOS Monterey or higher.
- Windows running Windows 7 (Service-Pack 2), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Windows 64 bit is required)
The Miniserver must be on version 11.0 at least. The full functionality is only guaranteed with the latest version of Loxone Config. Therefore we recommend a regular update to the latest version, which you can find on the downloads page.
The Loxone App is available in the AppStore and will be separately installed on your device. The app can be used to connect to your Miniserver.
If you’re using the Loxone App on macOS and if you’re experiencing any issues with macOS Catalina, please do an update with the provided version.
Loxone App 15.3.3 (2025.03.11)
- Auto Configuration is now active per default if available in the Device Search dialog
Loxone App 15.3.2 (2025.02.28)
- HomeKit
- BG-I26437: Timeout when adding multiple Functions simultaneously
- Device Search
- BG-I31918: Replace of Link devices not possible
- Image Guide support for devices that allow Auto Configuration
- Auto Configuration was not detected properly making option not available
- Siri Shortcuts
- BG-I31736: Donated interactions were no longer shown in Apple Shortcuts app
- Admin Interface
- BG-I34708: Admin interface styling corrupted
- Security
- Permissions: Token was overwritten when connection was re-established causing rejections in elevated permission screens
Loxone App 15.3.1 (2025.01.22)
- Audioserver
- Added information about outdated version of firmware preventing user from adding new Spotify accounts
- App Link
- Unable to open Apps on iOS
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- Heating and Cooling Controller – missing app translation
- Miniserver Search
- Search was not working on iOS due to missing permissions
- User Management
- Trust User can’t be enabled via the App if he was already disabled on the source Miniserver
- System Scheme
- Actions are now shown only when enabled during configuration
Loxone App 15.3.0 (2024.11.29)
- Ambient Mode
- Polish months in app – not consistent linguistic varieties
- Audio Player:
- Connection state is not descriptive enough
- No navigation back after removing local playlist
- Improved image cache handling
- Icons are lost when sorting Favourites with new cache handling
- Spotify Playlist “Favorite Songs” item duplicates itself when navigating
- Last Played history clear button doesen’t do anything on small screens
- App was unable to establish Audio Server connection after restoring from background
- Connection
- App was frequently logged out
- App tried to cleanup Archive Miniserver that did not exist after a login failure
- Door Controller
- HTTP cameras without authorisation couldn’t be oppened in desktop apps
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- Does not show temperature thresholds when input AH is connected
- Wrong display when LimH was lower than LimC
- Intercom
- Doesn’t automatically close itself after bell overrun end
- Can’t open video stream in certain situations
- Intelligent Room Controller
- Values in Schedule editor are incorrectly displayed when temperature in Fahrenheit is displayed
- NFC Code Touch
- History – wrong formatting
- Securtiy
- Certificate validation caused a lock-out on Miniserver Gen.1
- App was restarting the connection on every salt refresh attempt
- System Scheme
- Custom icons are not displayed in Desktop apps
- Switch multiplies when single light is connected to a lighting controller
- Wallbox
- “Has not enough power assigned” text was displayed under wrong conditions
- Clickable link to Wallbox Manager was missing
- AC Central, Heating and Cooling Controllers
- Irrelevant bars are hidden depending on active mode
Loxone App 15.2.0 (2024.09.27)
- AC Unit Control
- AC in “Pause” mode is displayed incorrectly
- Audio Player
- Music Queue stuck in loading
- Intelligent Room Controller
- CO2, Air Quality and Humidity were not shown despite being shown in Config
- Temperatures are not limited correctly when adjusting
- Virtual Input
- Days since 2009 were DST adjusted resulting in mismatched display
- Security
- Verification of Miniserver provided certificate chain
- Salt for encrypted commands is now refreshed every 5 minutes
- System Scheme
- Dimmer does not update its switch state correctly
- Time
- Scheduled access time display is wrong when DST change occurs
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- “Outdoor Temperature for 48h missing” information is unclear
- Wallbox Manager
- Room names missing in display
Loxone App 15.1.2 (2024.08.07)
- AC Unit Control
- Status switch restored for Standalone/Manual operation mode
- “Managed by” information pushed values off screen inside the cell
Loxone App 15.1.3 (2024.09.06)
- Push Notifications
- Fixed push notifications on affected Android devices
- AC Unit Control
- Status switch restored for Standalone/Manual operation mode
- Titles for cells were overlaping text on the right
- Settings screen flashed dummy data briefly as it was loading
- Audio Player
- BG-I31224: Favorites did not refresh correctly after adding/removing
- BG-I30999: Bluetooth pairing mode switch in app is clickable when controlled by logic
- Wrongly constructed address for connection to Local Audioserver caused it to always be proxied
- Virtual Input Text
- BG-I31172: Input does not allow entry of some characters
- BG-I31406: Automation Screen – Actual planned hours may differ from previously previewed hours
- Weather
- BG-I31262: Lack of timezone awareness caused app to shorten the update cycles the further you go East resulting in flickering
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- BG-I31098: Blocking of heating/cooling limits was blocking the opposite limit
- BG-I31305: Active Zone is triggered wrongly near the limit values
- BG-I31098: Possible to change values in App when they are controlled by logic
- Intelligent Room Controller
- BG-I31012: Mode locked when variable is connected to frost protection
- URL Start
- BG-I30555: Error popup is shown when trying to connect to a Miniserver not in the archive yet
Loxone App 15.0.3 (2024.06.07)
- Audio Player
- BG-I26010: Cannot use proxy to connect to client MS Compact
- Unable to open local library context menu
- BG-I28045: missing direction when storage and pv in same group
- Miniserver Shortcuts
- BG-I29288: Webinterface doesnt log in to proper MS or cant log in
- HomeKit
- BG-I27261: Unable to dismiss window after unsuccessful pairing
- NFC Code Touch
- BG-I29660: Month cut off in NFC block history
- Intercom
- BG-I29483: Unable to establish connection when spamming the “Accept” button when someone rings
Loxone App 15.1.1 (2024.08.06)
- AC Unit Controller
- Support for setting of default fan speed in automatic mode.
- Allows to jump to linked intelligent room controller (by clicking on target temp in auto mode or via additional cell below settings)
- Adoptions require an updated Loxone Config version (2024.07.26 or later)
- Shows link to Climate Controller if heating or cooling is blocked (ac wants to cool, but climate controller blocks it)
- support for IRC operated mode and new AC Central Controller integration.
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- now uses visualisation from HVAC Controller
- Intelligent Room Controller
- Support for new “Off”-Mode
- Added links to connected AC Control objects
- Shows heating/cooling icon in mode selection, e.g. if “Setpoint by Schedule” or “Fixed Setpoint” is used, with heating or cooling only flag
- Spot Price Optimizer
- Support for markets reporting 30/15 minute blocks.
- Price lists are now sorted by time rather than price for better readability.
- Price lists where times are next to each other and have the same value are now grouped together for better readability.
- System Scheme
- Support for fixed sizing, text blocks and control actions directly in the Scheme.
- Wallbox
- Shows link to wallbox manager, if managed by one.
- Support for new OCPP plugin (requires miniserver firmware update)
- Alarm Clock
- BG-I30100: Alarm clock visualization of daily mode reacts on second attempt
- AC Unit Controller
- Timer runtime is set to current time by default, looks like it doesn’t work if one forgets to adopt it
- Timer always uses timezone local to phone/tablet/computer, rather than the Miniservers local time (e.g. when travelling)
- Open window state isn’t shown in content, only in card.
- Cannot tell which mode is blocked by Climate Controller, always shows “Heating/Cooling”
- Target Temperature can still be modified if in automatic mode, where it is set by the Intelligent Room Controller
- AC Central Controller
- List of AC Unit Controls doesn’t reflect in which room they are
- Audio Player
- Start view stuck loading after restoring the App from background
- BG-I29706: Stuck Spotify playlist request locked-up the UI on small screens
- BG-I28916: Spotify account shows error after adding it and Settings button is not working
- BG-I29706: Spotify playlists are incomplete on initial load
- BG-I30111: Spotify bug causes App to endlessly request playlists
- BG-I29781: Schedule entry list did not update correctly after changing selected mode
- Energy Flow Monitor
- BG-I30377: Graph is cutoff when zooming in
- BG-I25236: Power values polling cycle is 5 minutes on graph despite 10 mins set in config
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- New UI doesn’t handle the various Otm settings and does not show if the data is missing or not ready yet (average past 48h).
- Intelligent Room Controller
- Temp settings screen shows shading temps in wrong place if single comfort temp is used.
- Intercom Gen. 2
- BG-I29483: Audio Connection on Intercom can’t be established over Trust
- Unable to rotate into landscape mode on small devices
- Load Manager
- BG-I30124: Load Manager does not load correctly
- Miniserver Shortcuts
- BG-I30215: App failed to work after Trust for existing shortcut was disbanded.
- System Scheme
- Actions are now shown only when enabled during configuration
- Removed padding for fixed size text objects that caused text to appear off-center in very small blocks
- Spot Price Optimizer
- BG-I30892: UK forecast for the next day did not appear correctly until next day actually started
- Fixed an edge condition causing SPO to stall the app
- BG-I30429: Spot Price Optimizer: App does not use manual very high price – Max block parameter in Config
- BG-I29771: Wrong display of planned hours in cost-effective hours of Automatic Screen
- Time
- Datetime display is now based on more extensive Timezone information provided by the Miniserver
Loxone App 15.0.1 (2024.05.22)
- Automatic Designer
- BG-I29562: Show Automatic Rules and and Scenes in Alphabetical Order
- Operating Times
- BG-I29705: Opening Operating Time not possible when name contains special characters
- Pool Controller
- BG-I29768: Cover Position not working working any more (not able to open and close it in the app)
- Sauna
- BG-I29306: App blackscreen when changing temperature
- System Status
- BG-I29615: Blackscreen after message was confirmed and closed when inside the underlying control
- Soundsuit
- BG-I29726: Soundsuit can be added as Spotify playlist item
- Lighting Control
- BG-I29015: Daylight control disabled when changed brightness outside of Mood edit
- No light circuits are displayed in edit mode
- Statistics
- Water metering using EFM caused spider nodes to become non-existant
- Wallbox
- BG-I29762: Back button of Android device doesnt work on the settings of the wallbox block
- Touch & Grill
- Blackscreen when attempting to adjust temperature
- BG-I29819: Date not remembered when entering a meter
Loxone App 15.0.2 (2024.05.31)
- Audio Zone
- BG-I29590: One favourite can be added many times
- Intercom
- BG-I29563: Android uses wrong volume setting
- Device Search
- BG-I29980: Unable to see Technologies if one Miniserver in GW/Client setup doesn’t have any
- BG-I29821: Devices of different types were grouped together in search results
- Images missing when a search is restored
- Wallbox Manager
- BG-I29836: Unit Conversion makes it hard to read
- Music Server
- BG-I27349: Volume change command was lost when adjusting Master/Group sliders
- User Management
- BG-I29797: App NFC Learning does not stop on initial NFC Code Touch when switching to a different one
Loxone App 14.7.0 (2024.02.22)
- Status Monitor
- Support for new block that allows to monitor various appliances
- Miniserver Shortcut Support
- Now supports shortcuts to other Miniservers configured via Loxone Config ( required)
- Door & Window Monitor
- Now properly shows states of & allows to navigate to monitored controls (windows, gates/doors, nested monitor controls)
- Trust Link:
- Now provides convenient “Switch Back to..” option after switching to other Miniservers via Trust Link Tab
- Localization: Added support Greek language
- Intercom Gen. 2
- BG-I27003 May show error popup when trying to open an activity
- Display error-text within push-notification if intercom image could not be loaded
- User Management
- BG-I22809: Change password setting was not remembered in some cases
- BG-I24967: Does not prevent insecure commonly used user-password combinations as in Loxone Config
- iOS
- Shortcuts/Quick Actions: BG-I26545: Fix crash when opening iOS app via siri-shortcut
- Door Controller: BG-I27935: Improve handling of high-resolution MJPEG streams
- Push Notifications: BG-I27721: Fix black window being shown in front of intercom-rich-push image Status Monitor: Linked Status Monitor text was wrongly updated
- Android
- Camera marked explicitly as optional (Managed Tablet QR Scan)
- Push Notifications: BG-I18943: Favor loading of intercom-image via remote-connection to mitigate issues when switching from local/wifi to remote/cellular connection
- BG-I26077: Prevent race-condition when sending a request via WearOS
Loxone App 15.0.0 (2024.05.07)
- Device Search
- Optimized search feature, all search types are now combined under “Device Search” in the menu
- Support for Tree Turbo and Client Speaker searches.
- Audio
- Support for commercial streaming solution Soundsuit.
- Audio Player
- Now has a History tracker in the menu above the Settings
- Access
- Support for Au (dynamic authentication method) input on NFC Code Touch
- Statistics
- Graphs (eg. EFM, Meters, Energy Manager) now display data as soon as you hover over them with a mouse cursor
- System Status
- Similar to Loxone Config, a tiny red indicator will now highlight unread entries.
- Alarm Clock
- BG-I25806: Scrolling through the operating modes/days not possible on small enough screens
- BG-I27850: Badge for days/modes rendered faulty in alarm clock
- Alexa
- Error message was shown if a control didn’t have a room assigned
- Android
- Push Notifications: BG-I28818: Loading of intercom push-notification-preview-image fails, when remotely connected to Miniserver Gen. 1 via CloudDNS
- Audio Player
- BG-I28756: System Status Messages not sufficiently visible
- Burglar Alarm
- BG-I27725: Alarm time countdown is out of sync when screen of the phone is locked
- Central
- Burglar Alarm & Gate
- System Status messages were not carried over to Central referencing a control with an active message
- Shading
- BG-I24579: No motor blocked indicator
- Connection
- BG-I27846: RC Connection takes very long to go through (Android).
- Control History
- BG-I28178: History entries not dated correctly when device’s location changes
- BG-I29344: Wrong handling of trigger name display
- Device Search:
- BG-I27032: App allowed replacing devices across Client-GW Miniservers and pairing one device with multiple clients.
- Door and Window Monitor
- BG-I28731: Room and Mounting Place shown without spacing
- Intelligent Room Controller
- BG-I26854: Manual setpoint: activation with presence
- BG-I29251: Fixed Setpoint shouldn’t show temperature twice
- Intercom
- Scrolling between activity pictures not possible
- BG-I26621: Share Button missing in activity picture from Intercom
- Video stream was not stopped fully when leaving the control
- BG-I27707: Intercom video was not loading in Ambient Mode when set as Entry Point
- Black screen when opening past activity on User-defined Intercom
- BG-I28653: Fix crash of watch-app on startup
- Siri Shortcuts: BG-I28653: Fix Siri shortcut not being executed
- Lighting Controller
- BG-I28710: Hint text is shown expanded after leaving mood edit screen
- Load Manager
- BG-I28410: Icon corrupted when re-appearing on the screen or displayed in different view
- Meter
- BG-I26356: deactivating statistic via expert mode keeps it showing until Ms reboot/app restart
- BG-I26355: Blackscreen when activating statistik via expert mode
- NFC Code Touch
- BG-I28080: First selected method gives “undefined” in history of NFC when 2 factor authentication is enabled
- Operating Times
- BG-I26720: Not possible to create an entry without a name when underlaying operating mode has “/” character inside of it
- Presence
- BG-I21576: Presence did not work corretly using macOS app after inactivity when unlocking the screen
- Scene
- BG-I26838: No actions in scene edit are displayed when provided Radio Button option is removed after the scene was set-up using it
- BG-I26813: Scene Edit button was visible to a user who did not have required permissions to edit the Scene
- BG-I24530: No recovery from connection loss when sending a command
- Schedule
- BG-I27763: Not possible to change Schedule block icon in App
- Sorting Screen
- BG-I27064: Android hardware back button doesn’t respond
- Spot Price Optimizer:
- BG-I26547: Not showing data on graph despite it being available and forecast times adjust to devices timezone when the device is in different timezone than the Miniserver
- BG-I28522: Calculation for warning info message is wrong
- BG-I28828: Uses device timezone in Spot Price Automation instead of Miniserver
- BG-I28569: Shows incorrect number of chosen hours in Spot Price Automation
- BG-I28834: Automation incorrect entry was not rechecked if values changed in certain order
- Status Monitor
- Is now more descriptive of which linked monitor is Incompletely configured
- BG-I28625: App crashed when main monitor was configured without text trying to get text from its sub-monitor
- System Status
- BG-I28472: System Status shows unread entries message despite no active entries being present
- BG-I28377: Displaying an entry did not mark it as read
- Time
- BG-I23690: Correcting time on Miniserver is incorrect when device is in a different day time saving already
- Initial and refreshment token expiration date was calculated wrong when the devices time settings were manually adjusted.
- BG-I28553: Time format was wrongly detecting the device language settings forcing certain languages to format into 12h time.
- BG-I29008: The Miniserver time adjustment popup reappears with each connection disruption and re-establishment.
- Trust
- BG-I26749: Updating current user password does not work when connected to Trusted Miniserver
- User Management
- BG-I28647: Changing a username and setting a password simultaneously does result in an unknown password
- BG-I27052: Character “&” is forbidden for username in the App
- User Settings
- BG-I29012: Wrongly formatted “Go to…” text
- Wallbox
- BG-I23520: System Status Messages not displayed properly inside of the block
- BG-I28375: History entries not dated correctly when device’s location changes
- System Status, Wallbox, Battery Level of Air Devices: Time representation adjusted to be consitent with Miniserver time when device location changes
Loxone App 14.5.0 (2023.12.07)
- Managed Tablets support
- Integrate iOS and Android Tablets like Air/Tree devices
- Configure, control and monitor tablets from the Miniserver/Config (requires
- Prevents tablet users from logging off or changing to other Miniservers
- Wallbox Energy Manager support
- allows to distribute eco power to Wallboxes
- keeps line protections safe
- priority charging support
- Push Notifications
- iOS: Critical Notifications break through Focus Mode (Burglar and Fire and Water Alarm)
- iOS: Time Sensitive Notifications for Intercom / Door Controller
- Android: Support for different push-notification channels (alert, doorbell, default)
- Connection: Demo Miniservers filled up with long-lived-tokens due to faulty identification.
- Door Controller: BG-I27145, BG-I27014, BG-I18611: Video didn’t work on some devices.
- Spot Price Optimizer:
- BG-I26863: Most cost-effective hours where not calculated correctly
- BG-I26832: incorrect date for hint text
- Wallbox: Invalid format used, did not take care of limiting the decimal places.
- Webinterface: BG-I27037: Trust offered while not supported on the web
Loxone App 14.5.1 (2023.12.14)
- Audio Zone: Announcement feature not working on Android 13+
- EFM: Production-Nodes with bidirectional meters wrongfully consider negative values as consumption, regardless of the configuration on the meter.
- Managed Tablets: Version Information not passed properly to MS.
- Message Center: Mounting place not shown in messages.
- Spot Price Optimizer: No data in chart shown when some datapoints within the day are missing
- Trust/Archive: About Miniserver screen always shows remote url of currently connected one instead of the selected Miniservers remote url.
Loxone App 14.0.6 (2023.10.17)
- Air/Tree Device Search
- BG-I26162: Restart search button turns green and no longer starts any search
- BG-I26163: Logged out due to too many requests while tree searching.
- BG-I26248: Last paired device in list occasionally did continue identifying after being paired.
- BG-I25388: In certain situations (devices turned off and removed from result) the position is wrong, e.g. 5/1
- Climate Controller
- BG-I25339: Climate Controller : Filter change settings not visible
- Door Controller
- BG-I26147: Potentially fixed app crash and failed stopping of MJPG and JPG streams
- BG-I26131, BG-I26147: Fixed leak which may caused crashes or white screens on iOS
- BG-I26129: iOS: Crash on MJPG intercom video-stream
- BG-I26200: Fixed flickering stream on some MJPG cameras
- Fixed occasional crash on some MJPG streams
- BG-I26411: App crashes when opening a camera which uses digest auth with an empty auth value
- BG-I25966: iOS device generated heat and eventually showed white screen when opening a cam which serves JPG images very quickly
- BG-I26289: Image wasn’t loaded, if the camera uses digest authentication with the stream url contains query params
- Energy Flow Monitor
- Storage level graph blank initially, need to change date or wait for it to become visible
- BG-I25962: Meter back-navigation takes long after selecting day from other year
- BG-I25955: own consumption + Energy saved tiles shown 0 on initial navigation to timespan
- BG-I25243: EFM: US Dates shown in European Format
- Energymanager
- BG-I24614: – Scrolling Priority
- General
- BG-I26031: Black-screen when leaving expert mode after unselecting “use in visualisation”
- BG-I25944: Fixed back navigation with native button on various screens
- BG-I25364, BG-I25365: Text wrap wasn’t working in user details
- Intercom
- BG-I24489: Wrong timestamp shown in last activities, always shows latest entries date.
- Intelligent Room Controller
- Calendar entries don’t show heating or cooling temperature if e.g. connected Climate-Controller is currently off.
- Spot Price Optimizer
- BG-I24771: shows incorrect data (different time zone)
- Web-Interface
- BG-I26105: External address info shows the current Remote Connect URL address
- Push Notifications
- Fixed iOS Push Notification permissions
- BG-I26225: Couldn’t activate Push Notifications
- PoolController
- BG-I25432: Added message in settings for valve is moving
- System Scheme
- BG-I26284: Height of controls shown did increase and now overlaps each other in existing schematics.
- Trust
- BG-I25404: Trust Usergroup name wasn’t shown on transferred user
- User Management
- BG-I25365: Cut off text when long text in non-editable user detail cells
- BG-I26324: Black-Screen when accessing user management with users which have certain special characters within their usernames (e.g. *)
- BG-I26172: Incorrect external address in user shared information
- BG-I25365: Long department title caused line breaks
- Endless biometric authentication loop after changing the password
- BG-I25485: NFC section was shown in user details while loading because of a wrong permission check
- Wear OS
- Command (on some devices) not sent when connected via bluetooth only
Loxone App 14.0.8 (2023.10.29)
- Door Controller:
- BG-I26313, BG-I26147, BG-I26129: iOS: Fix crashes when reopening app while watching video-stream
- BG-I26486: Wear-OS: Text is cut off when using larger font-scale
- Values in live view not updating too slow
- BG-I25955: Regression in card values not displayed when values weren’t cached before
- General
- BG-I26592: Push notifications not working on Android 12
- Intercom (Gen. 2)
- BG-I18943: iOS: Fix authentication issue that caused intercom preview-images not being displayed in push notification
Loxone App 14.0.5 (2023.09.22)
- Alarm Clock: BG-I24617: When Set-Input is 0 (= ring at midnight), the time (00:00) isn’t shown in the app.
- Ambient Mode: Black-Screen after resuming app when using “last position” and previously a meter within the EFM was open.
- Audio Player:
- BG-I23983: Grouping view wasn’t available if app start was secured by biometrics
- Custom Stream Edit screen does store changes only on X, but not on a separate tick-button as in create.
- Battery Monitor:
- A3D9-T164: Doesn’t show serialnumber, making it hard to identify devices with non-unique names.
- BG-I24086: Some device icons (e.g. presence sensor) appear cropped.
- BG-I24182: Offline has Info icon without any purpose next to it.
- Climate Controller:
- Allows to change mode (heat+cool, heat, cool) even though mode is set by parameter input on block.
- BG-I19128, BG-I20793: TLimC+TLimH can still be modified via app when they are controlled via logic
- BG-I20794, BG-I19160, BG-I20794: App enforces TlimC to be lower than TlimH, while Miniserver allows that.
- BG-I25221: Reset Filter Time does not update when reset via App
- Connection:
- BG-I15452: Android: Improve handling of HTTPS connection in situations where HTTP->HTTPS redirect is not enabled
- BG-I24571: Disabled users aren’t properly shown feedback when logged out, just loading forever.
- BG-I25857: Prompt shown if client miniserver is offline while trying to send a command to it.
- Several password popups when resuming e.g. User-Management after more than an hour.
- When logging in with a trust user with the @snr suffix, the snr must be entered in uppercase.
- Door Controller:
- On some browsers some MJPG streams were never shown, stuck in loading.
- BG-I10078: Fixed image issues with RemoteConnect in combination with Digest authentication
- BG-I25963: Fix video-stream recovery
- BG-I24671, BG-I17348: Android and Desktop: Improvements for IP cams/Intercom Gen. 1, which are using remoteConnect for external streams
- Energy Flow Monitor:
- BG-I24025: Storage graphs did extend throughout the whole day
- BG-I24321: Header was not shown in fullscreen graphs
- BG-I25040: trailing zero has been dropped at the money saved card
- View Type Selector too short on HD devices
- Energy Manager G2:
- BG-I24443: Users without administrative rights are able to access and alter the storage settings.
- BG-I24443: Users without administrative rights are shown an error prompt when trying to open the load settings.
- IRC, Sauna: BG-I24307: Temp text was wrongly scaled
- Meter:
- BG-I25710: timespan “lifetime” only shows a single year after changing from tab “year”
- View Type Selector too short on HD devices
- NFC Code Touch: BG-I24990: Still shows add codes in app, while configured to only support NFC.
- NFC:
- BG-I25526: App freeze when reading NFC tag
- BG-I25527, BG-I21149: Writing of NFC tag not possible
- BG-I25842: NFC command wasn’t executed after writing a tag in the same app session
- BG-I15452: Improve handling of NFC commands via external connection
- BG-I21149: Writing to encrypted NFC tags (e.g. key fob)
- BG-I26069: App position cannot be saved
- BG-I26070: Stuck when navigating back fromm “Save Miniserver”-Screen
- Sauna:
- BG-I24808: English (UK) didn’t differ between manual and predefined finish or humidity mode.
- BG-I25110: Inconsistent temp font size compare
- Spot Price Optimizer:
- BG-I24283: Prevent text from truncation when screen is to narrow
- BG-I24298: Empty type in Ambient mode search
- BG-I24434, BG-I24835: Color categorization may not match up if different of categories is very small
- System Status: BG-I24301: Device offline message doesn’t show the affected device type.
- System-Schematics: BG-I23528, BG-I24262: Image shown in background not properly updated when changed or changing Miniservers.
- Tree And Air Device Search:
- BG-I23767: Switchboard row/pos or Heating circuit position could be set, even when no switchboard has been selected.
- BG-I24074: Restart search briefly shows search stopped screen.
- BG-I24202, BG-I24064: UI remains operable during connection outages leading to huge number of password prompts or even logouts when resuming.
- BG-I24205: Client/Gateway support for lightgroups/switchboards/wallbox-rows/heating-circuit-boards
- BG-I24206: Creating a new LG navigates out of the search screen
- BG-T2950: System Back navigation doesn’t work in device search
- Support for wallbox-rows.
- The do not use option for lightgroups is only shown as minus and offers an identify option.
- BG-I24470: Help-Link for Air Device Pairing leads to Loxone Landing page in some cases
- User Management: Black screen on elder MS FW versions when trying to adopt users (
Loxone App 14.0.4 (2023.07.13)
- General: App didn’t load on old Chromium based devices
- Music Server Zone: BG-I22234,BG-I24594: Playlists always played in shuffle mode.
- General: Icon color may be wrong in cards/cells in response to message center notifications.
Loxone App 14.0.2 (2023.06.17)
- Spot Price Optimizer:
- Brand new Visualisation for the Spot Price Optimizer.
- View beautiful statistics and control automations
- IRC:
- Support for providing custom setpoints
- Can be restricted to only make use of heating only, cooling only or both
- Custom setpoints can be activated based on a schedule or timers
- AC-Control:
- Sleep timer support
- Pausing due to load shedding or an open door/window visualised
- User Management:
- Action upon user expiration can be defined within the app now.
- Can either be “Delete User” or “Deactivate User”
- This feature requires a minimum config version of
- Wallbox:
- Manual charging mode introduced, can be adopted by all users
- Advanced settings regarding charging modes can only be configured by admins
- Optimised UX regarding:
- targeted vs actual charging power
- pauses caused by phase switching
- charging enabled vs car actually charging
- Gate: Added support to partially open gates.
- AC Control:
- Airflow Direction wasn’t displayed correctly when set by logic
- Target temperature had wrong decimal symbol and too many fraction digits
- Alarm Clock:
- BG-I22931: Information for default alarm in edit screen was missing a margin
- BG-I23744: Selected operating modes weren’t shown in the edit screen but in the final entry
- Ambient Mode / Screen-Saver:
- BG-I22558: Auto Lock was always disabled, should only be disabled if screensaver is set
- author was not shown when opening the preview screen
- background image preview was not covered by rotating or resizing popup
- background image was stuck in position when moved upwards
- BG-I22075: Transparency issues when having expert settings as entrypoint
- BG-I22116: Control navigation from systemstate message caused closing of ambient mode
- BG-I22165: Pressing ESC when resizing popup is shown causes navigation problems
- BG-I22168: Visualization issues when transitioning back from full screen control
- BG-I22404: Last position of classic app wasn’t saved when Ambient Mode opened
- BG-I22519: Home Button didn’t work when the entrypoint was changed between some controls
- BG-I22524: Control or Group that has been set as Entrypoint and was deleted from config caused blackscreen
- BG-I22712,BG-I22662: Problems when tapping on shortcut while sub control is open
- BG-I22770: Ambient Mode is black after closing the resize popup that comes after an expanded control content
- BG-I23191 when switching shortcuts of new react controls the executed command used the previous controluuid
- BG-I23391: Empty fourth shorcut section was shown due to migration error
- Controls that didn’t use a room weren’t shown in the shortcut selector
- hint text with multiple lines wasn’t shown correctly in the audiozone
- it was possible to save the background image while repositoning was in progress
- selected shortcuts weren’t marked when searched in selection screen
- shortcuts that were removed in the shortcut view weren’t unmarked in the shortcut selection screen
- Tap on Screensaver went through the ui and triggered a button below on android
- trust intercom was locking to portrait orientation
- Screensaver: Blackscreen when opening screensaver settings caused by migration error
- ScreenSaver: screensaver showed up although the ios share dialog was opened
- Audio Zone:
- BG-I20900: If Grouping/Group Volume view is visible while app is sent to background, the audio zone can’t be exited.
- BG-I22421: Unable to leave audio zone after opening system status message within player.
- BG-I22532: Volume Parameters that are controlled by logic are still shown as editable
- BG-I22792, BG-I22343: Volume Settings – changes via slider or buttons aren’t reflected on the text shown above.
- BG-I22862: Freeze after hitting group-button when group contains unpermitted players.
- BG-I23244: Local playlists opened from the queue screen aren’t responding to play/shuffle
- BG-I24170: Spotify playlists couldn’t be opened on start overview after expanding from ambient mode to full screen
- External connection not reestablished after saving into miniserver.
- Spotify playlists couldn’t be opened on start overview after expanding from ambient mode to full screen
- Central Controls:
- BG-I21384: Sub controls weren’t shown when central was locked
- BG-I21794: More Button was cut off on iPhone
- Sub controls weren’t shown as locked, when individually locked
- EFM:
- BG-I19712: Distribution board with producers not showing proper data
- BG-I20994: Spider node values less than 0.0005 show 0 but with a coloured border
- BG-I21469: “Grid export” not showing in legend on zoomed grid graph
- BG-I21559: Scrubbing not possible on entire graph area.
- BG-I21955: Nodes in spider are orange, despite not having any data
- BG-I22185: Nodes with the same name could not be differentiated
- BG-I22284: Changing icons of meters via expert mode doesn’t update icons shown in corresponding efm nodes.
- BG-I22355: Energy Sum above graph not right if configured grid meter is unidirectional
- BG-I22375: Circle-Graphs not rendering properly on firefox
- BG-I22572: Production & Consumption graph show values below 0
- BG-I22648: Data has not been changed on date change
- BG-I22663: On group nodes, the lines of the underlying circles are visible underneath the top-most circle.
- BG-I22721: Arrows missing on bidirectional consumption nodes
- BG-I22725: Production graph not visualised correctly if number of data points differ between stats
- BG-I22848: Bottom graph label overlapping in some cases
- BG-I22848: Graph displays labels of lines with y < 0
- BG-I23011: Bars in graphs can display below zero bottom graph end
- BG-I23037: Money saved Tile not visible if Export Price is set to 0
- BG-I23061: zoomed graph overlaps iOS UI
- BG-I23115: Other-Node-Value not correct when in subgroup that is behind a meter
- BG-I23207: Hint field is not shown
- BG-I23218: getLeafNodes does request too much data
- BG-I23519: Selection Bubbles rendered in the wrong position = Flicker
- BG-I23523: Graph Rendering Bug on Safari (Mobile & Desktop)
- BG-I23605: Money saved is 0€ even with 31% bill saved below
- BG-I23709: Black Screen when last position was inside child nodes and is resumed
- BG-I23855: Datapoint flickering when moving between datapoints
- BG-I23872: Meter name didn’t update in EFM Spider
- BG-I23881: Text was cut off in wheel picker
- BG-I23883: Datapoint disappearing on graph refresh
- BG-I23961: Wheelpicker values were not selectable
- BG-I24013: Calendar Picker was not closing when selecting current date
- Changing icon/title of other node within subgroup is not reflected in the app.
- While nodes are shown as default while data is being loaded (e.g. no name, default icon, groups are shown as single nodes)
- General:
- BG-I17546: duration time was shown as adjustable although time was set by config
- BG-I17563: switch was adjustable although was continously on in the config
- BG-I21061: copying to clipboard on android didn’t work
- BG-I21175: central tab was not working as entry point when set to Last Position
- BG-I21278: empty Context menu was shown for user without user edit rights
- BG-I21285: padding right was missing in control cell
- BG-I21978: it was not clearly visible that the dateview selector is scrollable
- BG-I22925: slider knob was colliding with increase decrement buttons
- BG-I22943, BG-I23406: Control title and note didn’t update in the control screen when getting changed
- BG-I23283: Miniserver replaced warning shows [object control] instead of serial number
- BG-I23612: Control notes were truncated but more button wasn’t shown
- BG-I23735: Debuglog wanted popup was also shown in release
- BG-I23884: Copy to clipboard didn’t work on Desktop on Web
- Location defined by URL-Start isn’t navigated to if URL-Start uses “host” instead of “mac” to identify MS
- Navigating to a location via URL start only works with default screen set to “Last Position”
- Some icons and components were flickering
- Sorting didn’t work
- Icons: When switching miniserver, wrong icons for shading and gate were sometimes shown
- Meter:
- BG-I23117: Storage level chart visible when viewing “Day”, but as bar chart.
- BG-I23159: “Aktuell” for default power/Flow name shown, if no custom text for Power provided in config
- Miniserver-List:
- BG-I23977: Scrolling was not possible
- BG-I24087: Spacing was too large left and right
- BG-I24012: Screen was stretched to full screen
- Sorting on Android presented an empty screen
- Music Server Zone:
- BG-I17091: No covers shown. IMPORTANT: Due to server-side restrictions, on some platforms certain covers will still not be visible!
- BG-I19149: Hitting more in spotify search results in an empty screen.
- BG-I21760: Spotify items are played in wrong zone after switching zones.
- Shortcuts/Quick Actions:
- BG-I22535: Changing order reverts after releasing control
- BG-I22540: Deleted control remained in the list until edit mode was switched off
- BG-I22542: Presence text in context menu of desktop app appeared in wrong section
- BG-I22803: Adding shortcut via app icon action was not working
- BG-I22966: Command failed to send with App fully closed
- BG-I22966: Quick Action couldn’t be sent when app was closed on android because of missing authentication information
- Tree/Air Device-Search:
- After pairing all discovered devices of one type, the search shows “all found devices paired”, even though other device types may still be unpaired.
- BG-I22293: Miniserver list not sorted alphabetically
- BG-I22612: Search results disappear when resuming app from background during air search.
- BG-I22738: Tree search stopped title shows construction symbol.
- BG-I23213: Offline extensions aren’t shown as such.
- BG-I23761: After replacing a device, the replace-device-options list isn’t updated, still showing the replaced device with previous serial or as dummy.
- BG-I24061: Position indicator in pairing assistant occasionally shows the wrong position, e.g. 4/3 devices instead of 3/3.
- BG-I24065, BG-I24066: Restart search button doesn’t visually respond to an ongoing restart of the search.
- BG-I24067: List of existing devices is not sorted alphabetically in the replace device list.
- BG-I24072: In extension/ms selection or search results the device icon flickers when pressed, but item isn’t selected.
- BG-I24107: Identify/Pairing only works on one internal tree branch in client/gateway installations
- BG-I24240: results briefly appear, then disappear & reapper after starting the search.
- Configured position in heating manifold isn’t applied when loading file from config.
- Double click on a miniserver/extension/branch does open the results screen twice
- Not able to create a heating manifold if there isn’t already at least one on the Miniserver.
- Replace devices options disabled, even though there would be devices available for replacing.
- Unable to pair device if all results are given from the start and nothing updates in the results during search
- User Management:
- BG-I23791: User list wasn’t reloading after deleting a user in the details screen
- BG-I23294: Infinity loading when opening the UserManagement if the miniserver has a version below “”
- Virutal Text Input:
- BG-I23848: Entering email addresses wasn’t possible due to symbol restrictions
- BG-I23683: Tapping enter in a virtual text edit field caused line error
- BG-I23866: Enter key was locked and couldn’t be used for confirming the input
- Others/Various:
- Burglar Alarm: BG-I22384: Delay countdown wasn’t running smoothly
- Central Alarm: BG-I21803, BG-I21346: Alarm Central UI wasn’t correct
- Climate Controller: BG-I23165: Reset maintenance counter button was not clickable
- Controls: BG-I23295: Graphs button in Context Menu of reworked controls wasn’t working
- Curtain Icon: issue with icon animation
- Dimmer: BG-I23174: Dimmer control was missing step size when dragging manually
- DoorWindow Control: BG-I23122: Long names were causing layout errors
- EIB Dimmer: BG-I23596: Step property was disabled for EIB Dimmer
- Energy Manager Gen. 1: BG-I22615: activation button not present
- HomeKit: Setup was cancel after creating a new user
- Message Center: Systemstate message couldn’t be loaded after connection was lost during a fetch process
- NewsHub: BG-I22933: Blackscreen/Error Popup when tapping of news icon before feed was loaded
- NFC Touch Control: BG-I24089: NFC Codes Screen was shown full screen
- Numbers: Sometimes numbers were not formatted when using Tree Intercommunication or a Gateway/Client configuration
- Presence: BG-I23388: Date information was missing at active Since display
- Shading Central: BG-I23147: Sub controls without room assigned caused blackscreen
- Smoke Alarm: BG-I20267: If service mode was permanently on via config, the suppression was shown as 27 hours in the app
- Smoke Alarm: BG-I22434: Smoke Alarm trigger weren’t shown
- Touch&Grill: BG-I22929: Timer Selector Screen was shown full screen
- Tracker: BG-I23363: Height of single line entries was too big
Loxone App 14.0.1 (2023.04.08)
- Formatting: BG-I23030: Wrong fallback handling for not yet localised regions, eg. Catalan
Loxone App 14.0.0 (2023.04.02)
Several bugfixes/improvements focussing on the following features/blocks:
- Meters
- Wallbox G2
- Energy-Manager G2
- Power Supply & Backup
- Usermanagement
- Formatting/Conversion of energy values removed from non energy-specific function blocks (e.g. virtual Status) & unified in energy blocks
- Power Supply & Backup: The meters corresponding to each output can now be accessed by clicking on the output
- Wallbox Gen. 2: The User ID is now shown when charging
- New Energy Blocks now will use only one fraction digit if unit is kW
- EFM: BG-I21075: No self-consumption in cards
- EFM: BG-I22094: Lifetime view not working if timestamp in past
- EFM: Race condition causing wrong data to show on quick viewType switches
- EFM: BG-I22527: Graph hour lines don’t match up
- EFM: BG-I22464: statistic scala does not work with low consumption values
- EFM: BG-I22464: Graph scale sometimes showing wrong lables (e.g. [0, 10, 20, 20, 30])
- EFM: BG-I22096: Graph line cropped when Power drops to 0 (kWh)
- EFM: Data for graphs arrives after a huge delay on large scale installations (if it arrives at all)
- EFM: Better separation between heading node and children in group view through indentation
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I22699: Session history not shown if there are multiple sessions, but only on one day.
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I22701: “Below charging limit” shown while load shedding is active.
- Wallbox Gen. 2: Session power info shown as “–” and active if load shedding is active while opening the block
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I21594: Timestamp Fontsize is less than the date on the left side
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I22184: Empty Button when no car is connected
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I21300: Did display wrong charging limit if the value is controlled by logic
- Wallbox Gen. 2: BG-I22608: Did filter out to many characters even tho they were not forbidden
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22769: Unit was cut of when resizing the app
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22775: Able to travel into the future
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I21976: Month and year in calendar picker not clickable directly on text
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I21976: Month and year in calendar picker not readable on hover (white on white)
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22774: Calendar and Wheelpicker not placed correctly in AmbientMode
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22840: Selection line reached out of graph
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22776: Max Value on y-axis is too low
- Meter Block Gen. 2: BG-I22840: Selection line reached out of graph
- Meter Block Gen. 2: Formats of the graph heading was not correct
- Meter Block Gen. 2: Start of week was wrong in some localizations
- Meter Block Gen. 2: Hint-Texts not shown in Meters.
- Meter for Storage: BG-I21910: Visu limited to 100. Not adapted to maximum parameter
- Energy Manager: BG-I22164: Fixed odd formatting of the percentage self consumption
- Energy Manager: BG-I22787: User Defined Symbol not shown centered
- Shading: BG-I22402: Short Tap on Up/Down Buttons didn’t do anything
- Central Controls: BG-I22390: Sub Controls weren’t sorted
- Pool: BG-I22423: Schedule cannot be edited
- Controls: BG-I21590: Black screen when removing some controls from visualization
- Air/Tree-Search: Air devices not shown in search results on client gateway installations
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I22082: Video may not show when opening a notification
- Date Format: BG-I22453: Did use wrong date format in the US in some cases
- General: BG-I22637: Numbers weren’t properly formatted according to the devices region
- DatePicker: BG-I22808: Circle gets cropped
- UserManagement: Delete button needed to be tapped twice in search to delete the search input
- UserManagement: Fixed black screen when opening the UserManagement
- UserManagement Trust: Search of trust users in users page did reset the selection
- UserManagement: To many password requests because of repeated subscribing to trust events
- UserManagement: Color of “Full Access” group wasn’t set correctly
- UserManagement: Adopted color of disabled cells (Firstname, Lastname of TrustUsers)
- UserManagement Trust: Users that were locked could still be removed in the UI
- UserManagement: Changes were lost when tapping outside of the user edit modal
- UserManagement: No or wrong error message when deactivating the last active admin
- UserManagement: BG-I21247: Active until date didn’t update if Active from date was set after Active until date
- UserManagement: In some cases no external QR Code was shown, when sharing the user
- UserManagement: BG-I22709: Spacing between bottom buttons was too big
- UserManagement: BG-I22306: User with no full access but UserManagement can select a user group with full access
- UserManagement: BG-I22724: Inputs not vertically centered when “Input invalid” is shown
- UserManagement: BG-I22281: Ambient Mode appeared, when user management was open
- UserManagement: BG-I18378: It’s not possible to add a user to an usergroup from another miniserver
- UserManagement: BG-I18793: External url wasn’t right when sharing a user in the webinterface
- UserManagement: BG-I17936: External url wasn’t right when sharing a qr code in the webinterface
- UserManagement: BG-I20862, BG-I21367: Password input appeared after changing the password of the current logged-in user
- UserManagement: BG-I22463: Unable to use dots in the Nfc Code Touch ID
- UserManagement: BG-I21333: Design of Letter Headings in User lists was incorrect
- UserManagement: BG-I22281: Ambient Mode appeared, when user management was open
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I22522: Empty sections in the trust user management were shown
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I22176: Trust users weren’t sorted alphabetically
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I21865: Loading of trust users took a lot of time if there were a lot trusts
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I21333: Design of Letter Headings in User lists was incorrect
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I22761: Users page was not updating when tapping refresh
- UserManagement Trust: BG-I22784: User Management List didn’t update when adding a trust user
- General: BG-I21687: Cursor in a textfield jumped to the end of the text when editing in the middle
- NFCCodeTouch: BG-I21440: NFC code won’t reactivate + misaligned view after deleting all Nfc codes
- NFCCodeTouch: BG-I21610: Name of output missing in history
Loxone App 13.1.6 (2023.03.24)
- Fixed blackscreens on not up-to-date devices
- Fixed an issue when opening the Pool Controllers Valve position screen
Loxone App 13.1.4 (2022.12.14)
- RN1-I937: Group-Meters won’t open when clicking on the node while viewing the groups content.
- RN1-I1023: “Uhr” shown as time suffix when scrubbing through graph data.
- RN1-I951: “NaN” shown as its own consumption occasionally in the morning.
- RN1-I938: Custom unit not minded in graphs
- RN1-I899: Rest not shown in top-most group
- RN1-I899: Rest not shown in subgroups in certain configurations.
- RN1-I1023: Shows “Uhr” next to time when scrubbing through graph data.
- RN1-I998: Storage node shows “NaN” in the morning, if empty.
- RN1-I957: With two storages configured, a storage level graph with >100% is shown. Should not be shown.
- RN1-I901: Nodes added at a later time to the EFM are missing when no data has been recorded yet.
- RN1-I859: Request flood when no data is available for individual nodes.
- RN1-I907: Statistics missing after moving to other days/weeks/months/years.
- RN1-I873: Occasional crash when staying in subgroups longer.
- Windows
- Ensure the URL-Handlers are registered
- Number formatting
- Very small or very high numbers were formatted as NaN
- System State
- RN1-I840: Couldn’t load image on network change
- UnitConverter
- RN1-I1081: Some units got converted incorrectly (eg. 0.35 €/kWh -> 35 Wh instead of just being 0.35 €/kWh)
- Ventilation
- RN1-I1051: Fixed Slider Timeout
- BatteryMonitor
- RN1-I1085: Couldn’t get the correct associated room of a device
- OperatingMode
- RN1-I1084: Couldn’t change the mode of an operating mode
- Intercom Gen. 2 Notifications
- Buttons didn’t work on devices running Android 12 or higher
- Couldn’t accept call via notification
Loxone App 13.1.3 (2022.12.02)
- Notifications
- Fixed crash caused by push notification on Android 12 and higher
- Unregistering only worked every second time
- NFC did not work on devices running Android 12 or higher
- Systemstate
- Black screen when opening a historic message
- Login
- Username was always capitalised
- Untranslated placeholder
- Date/Time Picker
- Gray Text
- IRCv2
- Empty temperature adoption screen
- Search
- Added Room Label to Controls
Loxone App 13.1.1 (2022.11.24)
- Performance improvements
Loxone App 13.1.0 (2022.11.10)
- Support for new Energy Function Blocks
- Energy Flow Monitor
- Meters
- Energy Manager
- Wallbox
- UI overhauled – tidy and dark.. more to come!
Loxone App 13.0.2 (2022.08.03)
- Intercom
- Error Message in if Activities couldn’t be loaded from Intercom
- AudioPlayer
- “Test” shown briefly after bringing up the app from the background while the audio player is open.
- HomeKit
- BG-I17459: Error says HomeKit plugin could not be started, when really it was.
- Escaping invalid unsupported characters when creating homes and looking up Miniservers inside HomeKit
- Intercom
Loxone App 13.0.1 (2022.07.08)
- Audio Player:
- BG-I17040: Locked players may still be started when in grouping view.
- BG-I17245: Spotify liked songs context menu play now doesn’t work.
- BG-I17275: External up/down volume control doesn’t reflect on object outputs when using the app.
- BG-I17287: Cover reloads each time the list is extended when loading large playlists
- Spotify liked songs context menu list offers open in spotify, but doesn’t work.
- Local playlists shown in “more” list of search results wrongfully show up as empty.
- Shading:
- BG-I17145: Sun-position-dependent-automatic switch enabled, while block disallows for automatic shading via DisSp
- Intercom:
- BG-I16637: Activity Images may not load
- Intercom Gen. 1:
- BG-I17337: Didn’t work on iOS without username and pass
- Touch & Grill:
- Fixed app freeze if the Touch & Grill isn’t assigned to a control
- PushNotifications:
- May not navigate to the control opened from a push notification if connected to another Miniserver
- QR-Code:
- BG-I17183: QR-Codes didn’t work on iOS devices
- Commands didn’t work if there is an “&” in the username
- PoolController:
- BG-I17279: Schedule for “Backwash and Rinse” cannot be changed in the app
- LightV2Control:
- BG-I17297: Daylight mode was deactivated after adopting the brightness in the slider
- Daylight mode wasn’t deactivated correctly on master color picker
- Webinterface:
- Redirect to locally encrypted connections on certificate domains other than .com not working
Loxone App 13.0 (2022.06.24)
- Security:
- Change/set password screen warns if a widely used username/password combination is in place.
- Warning shown after login if widely used credentials are in place, hint to change password.
- Audio Zone:
- BG-I16247: “Last played” can be reset from within the app. Reset to default will also empty the last played list, but playing items is no longer considered a modification to the default-template.
- A3D9-T617: Support for dynamic player groups, requires recent audio server version (requires Audioserver Beta).
- A3D9-T639: Support for showing podcast episodes stored in the library (requires Audioserver Beta).
- A3D9-T652: Pasting Spotify-Share-Links to the search-input will directly navigate to the item. (e.g. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DZ06evO1uge6k)
- BG-I16608: Switched from different colours from different groups to only one colour, indicating that a player is in a group.
- Extended support for liked-songs list from spotify
- Added Sequence Controller Visualisation
- General:
- Simple design appearance no longer App default, colourful by default.
- A3D9-T655: Support for TLS certificates from mainland china.
- NewsHub:
- Added button for “current job offers”
- Shading:
- New wording for automatic to emphasise the automatic responds to the position of the sun.
- Switch, Stairway- and Comfort-Switch:
- BG-I15953: Removed on/off status text
- Shading:
- BG-I17092: New icons for shading in & out buttons.
- UserManagement:
- Added search for trust users
- LightControlV2
- Added Support for Daylight
- Added Support for TuneAbleWhite
- Audio Zone:
- Access to “About audioserver screen” while connection is established or cannot be established.
- BG-I16895: Library – Stuck in network drive edit screen
- BG-I16895: Library, removed workaround for changing names of network folders (did show error when there was none). Requires AS version
- BG-I16943: Following e.g. a track after having opened the followed tracks list, doesn’t update the spotify library
- BG-I16943: Following/unfollowing spotify items did cause the list containing them to reload.
- BG-I16943: Unfollowing songs from within the spotify songs list, doesn’t update list
- BG-I16944: Local playlists looked up via search cannot be played.
- BG-I17004: Info button in not-ready screen unresponsive when restarted audioserver from HD device
- BG-I17040: Locked players can be started using group volume screen
- BG-I17093: App freeze after reopening app from background while in spotify search & trying to open a directory
- External access to Webinterface of audioserver, requires Miniserver firmware update.
- System status message causes player name to appear too small and cropped on HD devices
- BG-I15817: Grouped players where e.g. a spotify track is playing on another player show a green timeline
- BG-I15817: Time-Line shown with active colour – but the music isn’t playing.
- BG-I15881: getinputs-requests launched multiple times without changes
- BG-I15899: Starting communication shown as if it were an error when there is more than one player in a room.
- BG-I15963: Playlists from other users not browsable when in last played
- BG-I15965, BG-I16505: Line-ins that aren’t available anymore are still shown in the Menu
- BG-I15967: Stuck in please wait, e.g. after updates or connection outages
- BG-I16038: Volume changes on events hide the cause of the event
- BG-I16051: PlayPause-Button shows “is still receiving updates” in the log
- BG-I16055: Error message shown when opening context menu of mp3s stored in local audioserver playlists
- BG-I16056: Folder in local lib shows subtitle “undefined”
- BG-I16067: Need to wait until the whole playlist is loaded only to rename or delete it.
- BG-I16093: Spotify song not played when triggered via playlist opened from queue.
- BG-I16093: Wrong play command used when playing a playlist opened up via the queue.
- BG-I16273: Library not reloading content a second time when reloading folders “deeper down”, only works once.
- BG-I16291: Line-In-Command not working when in “ last played”.
- BG-I16314: Queue – name of source playing from not shown after app was in background.
- BG-I16443: Favourite ID limitation raised to 2147483647 (from 200 previously)
- BG-I16616: Stuck in please wait when reset-input is triggered for a very brief moment only.
- BG-I16787: Follow/unfollow removed from podcasts/episodes, not supported via Spotify API
- BG-I16817: Grouping symbols disappeared when Music Server was present in the installation too
- BG-I16821: Queue no longer updating after app was in background
- BG-I16944: items inside local playlist not playable when opened via search
- “More” not showing content in spotify search.
- Covers occasionally disappear in the currently playing item inside the queue.
- Dynamic group selection won’t work if fixed groups have the same name.
- Favourite playlists played via playlist-overview cannot be opened from last played list
- Grouping volume overlay not dismissed automatically when opened from eco-screen
- Input list not properly shown in menu when starting app straight into an audio zone.
- Spotify Queue items where not clickable
- Stuck in loading after rebooting the audioserver on HD devices.
- Audio Zone: Playlists played from overview-screens (playlists/start) did not mind the shuffle flag
- Audio Zone: BG-I17042: Central block does not show icons/play-pause-button, instead shows track names after reopening app from background
- Audio Zone: Support for providing covers via Audioserver proxy using http.
- Audio Zone: Support for bringing liked spotify songs to the front
- AutomaticDesigner:
- BG-I15951: Actions of “scenes” weren’t filtered correctly
- ContextMenu:
- BG-I16219: Sort menu didn’t open
- EnergyManager:
- BG-I16207: “Consumer” switches didn’t update
- Intercom Gen. 1:
- Fixed Basic authentication on windows/mac
- Didn’t work without authentication on Windows and Mac
- QuickActions:
- BG-I17076: Couldn’t send QuickAction if FaceID or TouchID was enabled
- Shading:
- BG-I17092: Central block didn’t detect shading types properly
- System Status:
- Info-Messages cause buttons to disappear in cards/cells making them look like warnings/errors
- TouchNightLight:
- BG-I16945: Text adoptions for the “default alarm”
- UserManagement:
- BG-I15834: Trust users are now sorted alphabetically
- Connection:
- App becomes stuck as datacenter list piles up
- CloudDNS/Remote-Connect errors keep popping up even though “keep connecting” has been chosen (unsafe user/not registered/…)
- Connection: Unable to connect via local IP initially, did not mind local cloudDns option.
- HomeKit:
- BG-I15932: Changing users via Loxone Config may cause the app to stay in please wait for more than 40 seconds.
- BG-I15998: Shutting down the app during pairing may result it to become stuck in “please wait”
- Intercom Gen. 2:
- BG-I15148: Couldn’t send newly created TTS message in same app session
- BG-I15973: No TTS-ContextMenu was shown if app is in background and clicked on “answer” in Rich Push notification if control requires a visu password
- BG-I16023: Navigating out of the Control when opening a historic push notification
- IN1-I422: May show previous bell event image
- May not download the last bell image and used cache instead
- IRC:
- BG-I15907: Unconfigured IRCs show state-text in green and “0” as temperature.
- BG-I16832: Shading not considered as cooling capability
- Other
- Air/ Tree Search: BG-I15826: Added Icon for NFC Code Touch Gen. 2
- macOS update behaviour: BG-T2628: Did download .dmg file even if app has been downloaded via MacAppStore which leads to data loss
- Desktop Apps: BG-I16021: App may not react to clicks
- Windows update behaviour: BG-T2628: Did download .exe file even if app has been downloaded via Microsoft Store which leads to data loss
- General: Reduced number of rating requests
- Push Button: Active/Inactive Text no longer shown, confusing as they usually show inactive
- URL-Start: Navigation may not lead to the desired location when starting via an URL-Scheme and the app is just in background. Also affects Intercom Gen. 2 Push Notifications
- UserManagement: BG-I15958: User with “-” in the Name can’t be created via App
- iOS
- QuickActions: BG-I17076: Couldn’t send QuickAction if FaceID or TouchID was enabled
- QuickActions, Apple Watch: BG-I17137: Couldn’t send QuickActions on iOS and Apple Watch
- Fixed black screen after initial install of the app
- Desktop Apps
- BG-I17200: SystemStart was not handled correctly
- Selected Presence Control not saved properly
Loxone App 12.2.9 (2022.4.3)
- Audio Zone: A3D9-T614: Support for sharing line-ins across audioservers in an installation.
- Audio Zone: A3D9-T618: Presenting source when playing via AirPlay
Audio Player
- Audio Player: BG-I15142: Wrong input played in multi-audioserver installations
- Audio Player: BG-I15149: Search occasionally not launched or result not shown.
- Audio Player: BG-I15136: Grouping icons disappearing/are shown in grey after master volume changes
- Audio Player: BG-I15134: Master-Volume changes not shown in players
- Audio Player: BG-I15140: Showing NaN as master volume in some cases
- Audio Player: BG-I15158: null shown in recent searches if dismissed too quickly.
- Audio Player: BG-I15139: Stuck in “please wait” for quite some time when trying to open the search
- Audio Player: BG-I15138: System status messages aren’t disappearing unless player is closed and reopened.
- Audio Player: BG-I15177: Radiostation played from favourites cannot be played from history.
- Audio Player: BG-I14747: Cannot externally connect with audioserver on miniserver gen 2 when using own hostname.
- Audio Zone: BG-I15131: Editing a playlist on device B while modifying it on the first device isn’t working.
- Audio Zone: BG-I15266: Favourite ID 0 should be prohibited, but is available via entering 00
- Audio Zone: BG-I14410: App freezes after resuming from background, when the volume control overlay was opened before.
- Audio Zone: BG-I15601: Eco-Screen remains visible if opening playlist that is already open in the background.
- Audio Zone: BG-I15137: Time-Line slider jumps when changing volume
- Audio Zone: BG-I15137: Time-Line slider jumps when changing volume (in groups)
- Android Url Start: BG-I14906: QR Code not loading the app position if App is running in background
- Android Shortcuts: BG-I15015: Creating a new Shortcut won’t open the menu in the app
- Android NFC: BG-I14151, BG-I14977: Couldn’t write scene to NFC
- Android Fingerprint: BG-I14295, BG-I14656: Navigating back when Touch ID is expected deactivates the touch ID
- Android: BG-I13584: Could scroll cell with context menu
- UserManagement: “Permit Password Change” switch was enabled after reopening a user with config or user management permissions
- UserManagement: BG-I14135: Added info text which nfc code touches are available for NFC Tags learning
- UserManagement: BG-I15236: Display of Trust user and user with identical names not fully correct
- UserManagement: BG-I13863: “Please wait” on user management screen after app was resumed from background
- UserManagement: BG-I15823: Popup re-login was shown without any changes made if the user only has user management permission
Intercom Gen. 1
- Intercom Gen. 1: JPEG stream wasn’t stopped after closing the control
- Intercom Gen. 1: Fixed black screen after navigating into the control
- Intercom Gen. 1: BG-I14966: “Settings” button cut off on s21
- Intercom Gen. 1: BG-I15369: Fixed incorrect placed animation
Intercom Gen. 2
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I15545: Logoff due to failed connection establishment to an non existing Intercom Gen. 2
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I14557: Occasionally no video on Windows devices
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I14874: Play button may stay visible over the video stream
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I15050: Show correct alert if user has no microphone on his device
- Intercom Gen. 2: BG-I15827: Couldn’t establish an audio connection
Touch & Grill
- Touch & Grill: BG-I15557: In some cases the app freeze after reopening the app
- Touch & Grill: BG-I13925: Button unresponsive if room was changed
- Touch & Grill: BG-I13922: Unlocked via App is still shown as locked
- Touch & Grill: BG-I12529: Black screen after navigating in the not used control if the users doesn’t have permission for the used room
- iOS Biometric Auth: BG-I12815: Added error popup if biometric authentication fails in credential screen
- LastPosition: BG-I14535: Didn’t work on iOS devices running iOS 15 or higher
- RGB LightController: BG-I13206: Didn’t work as intended
- LightController: BG-I13967: Lighting mood “selected” and “mixin” indicator weren’t shown correctly
- LightController: BG-I15741: Error while navigating in the control details over the “more” button if the control has notes
- IRC: BG-I14792: Schedule not shown when changing between fixed setpoint and based on schedule mode via logic (or other app)
- IRC: BG-I14011: Two options selected in temperature adoption screen when modifying the target setpoint with plus/minus after selecting off or alike.
Music Server
- Music Server Zone: BG-I9849: Playing a spotify playlist after search didn’t work
- Music Server Zone: BG-I10677: It wasn’t possible to remove items from Playlist
App Sorting
- App Sorting: BG-I12059: Sorting was applied after closing and re-open the app
- App Sorting: BG-I12521: If the sorting mode has been started, it automatically switched to user specific, although no changes were made
- App Sorting: BG-I13820: Cancelling sorting opens up Miniserver list
Desktop Apps
- Desktop Apps: BG-I15839: May not find all Miniservers available in the Network
- PresenceDetection: BG-I13902: Presence detection was reset after every miniserver reboot
- Statistics: BG-I13069: Prevent multiple back navigation due to error popup
- Statistics: BG-I14627: Small or large numbers with more than 22 decimal places have been formatted as “NaN”
- AlarmControl: BG-I14934: Time left without any seconds was not correctly formatted
- Air/TreeDevice Learning: BG-I14970: Couldn’t iterate over search results
- EnergyMonitor: BG-I13088: Screen flickered on value change
- Music Server: No data was shown after navigating into the control
- Automatic Designer: BG-I14794: NFC condition not correctly shown in Config if the rule was created over the app
- Virtual Text Input: BG-I14960: Cannot be emptied via app
- HVAC: BG-I15322: Heating/Cooling Icon not visible in HVAC Controllers demand bars.
- Presence: BG-I14122: Old logo shown in presence detection menu.
- Scene: BG-I12530: Ending the scene recording causes flickering symbols/switches before it ends.
- General: BG-I14947: Didn’t update control in regard to “Not configured” state
- Webinterface: BG-I14793: Correct error string if user has no rights to visualisation
- EntryPoint: BG-I14008: Missing title and subtitle in EntryPointWelcome Screen
- WeatherAd: BG-I15810: Can’t open the WeatherAd due to an error
- UserInterfaceSettings: BG-I14288: Empty room or category text
- TouchNightLight: BG-I13650: Couldn’t increment by step when enabling or disabling the alarm sound
- ExpertMode: BG-I14132: Sub setting Values didn’t update properly
- EnergyMonitor: BG-I13056: In rare cases the battery symbol wasn’t shown
- DeviceSearch: BG-I15797: Fixed misaligned view after replacing a device
- NFC Code Touch: BG-I15454: Adding access code shows wrong name for duration
- AutomaticDesigner: BG-I15410: Error Message by trying to use a scene in Automatic Designer
- Connect to Miniserver: BG-I15952: Screen did ignore Notch safety zone after connecting to a Miniserver in some cases
Loxone App 12.2.4 (2021.12.3)
- Audio Player: AUDIO1-I1052: Favorites can now be browsed, hence lists or folders stored as favorites can now either be played shuffled or from beginning to end in predefined order.
- Intercom Gen. 2: Activities can now be viewed in landscape on phones
- Support for the brand new Loxone Intercom
- Reworked whole app for snappy animations and fluid responses while navigating through the app
- Android: now supports Push Notifications in Mainland China on Xiaomi, Oppo and Huawei devices
Audio Player
- Audio: Freeze when device was unlocked/locked quickly
- Audio Player: Freeze on iOS devices during active airplay session when making announcements.
- Audio Player: Removing items from playlist causes unnecessary traffic
- Audio Player: Playlist occasionally not loading after being edited.
- AUDIO1-I2198: Cover of last track remains visible if loading cover fails.
- BG-I12981: Unlock button not visible when linked controls are present.
- Dropping out of audio player when tapping outside of the add items to playlist screen.
- Cover flickering when radio station metadata changes.
- AUDIO1-I2171: Play Buttons with incorrect position when opening last played -> “more”-List
- AUDIO1-I2190: When turning a player on using the volume+/- button, the shown value is always one volume step ahead & corrected a few seconds later
- The favorites star inside playlists is not updated when adding/removing them from favorites via context menu.
- Queue-Move Commands updated to fit the ones of Audioserver Version 2021.10.20+
- Queue – Removed covers in history to improve performance when working with larger queues
- External connections via Miniserver Gen1 not working.
- Start screen not updating favorites until changing to another screen and navigating back to it
- Spotify Settings screen not showing header.
- Cannot add item from search to spotify playlist.
- Queue – parent item of currently playing items occasionally doesn’t open. Nothing happens when tapping it.
- Queue messed up after reordering & changing songs.
- Removed “add to queue” and “play next” option for incompatible contents (e.g. when playing spotify, adding local mp3s to the queue won’t work)
- Removed “add to queue” and “play next” option for tunein radio stations or lineins
- AUDIO1-I2165: Two scrollable views when there are linked controls in an audio zone.
- Audio Zone: Searching twice leads to the “previously searched” list not disappearing.
- Audio Zone: Networkfolder – Add to library button not responding after initial usage.
- After changing the order of the zone favorites, the list sometimes is empty.
- Navigating deeper into the search results doesn’t show content
- Lists occasionally got emptied (e.g. the zone favorites when they have been modified on another device)
- Add music button on empty playlists looks like it isn’t clickable, but is.
- Search results of radio stations not shown, but download keeps on going.
- On group play/pause often not all players respond accordingly. (Fixed with AS firmware 2.6+)
- App freezes e.g. when making several changes to zone favorites shortly after one another.
- Search results show unrelated items on repeated searches.
- Master Volume not shown properly in app when modified heavily (with many requests)
- Playlists flicker when reodering or removing cells.
- Showing covers delayed in order to speed up navigation
- When scrolling through a media list (e.g. playlist), occasionally some items aren’t clickable.
- Content duplicated when navigating back from a deeper level in media lists.
- Opening a subfolder in a large media list is blocked until parent list finished loading.
- Queue doesn’t show currently playing item when opening a second time
- Moving items in the queue while changing the queue order breaks the view.
- Items added to a playlist/favorites are not shown unless closing/reopening the list.
- Covers and text without spacing inbetween on edit favorites screen.
- Only zones of one audio server show correct master volume, others don’t
- When playing songs the progress bar seems to jump every 10 seconds.
- Improved performance when scrolling through media lists.
- Zone Group Handling reworked to fix problems with multiple zones across multiple Audioservers.
- Failed to navigate into spotify content on start screen.
- Volume setting slider not responding to drag, only to +/- buttons.
- Spotify Playlists and menu items messed up on SD
- Spotify content jumps upwards after opening up on HD
- Group volume handling reworked – more reliable.
- Master volume not matching the groups zone volumes.
- Group color changes and differs when zones are on different audio servers.
- Opening an audio player is slow and the content flickers
- Sliders in equalizer settings not responding properly
- Cannot be used while using HTTPS on Webinterfaces
- SearchScreen never yields results if previous search didn’t yield any result
- AUDIO1-I1936: Couldn’t play browsable items when searching in the library and then changing the service
- BG-I11810, BG-I11263: Couldn’t establish a connection to the AudioServer when using RemoteConnect when saving into the Miniserver
- Fixed disabled cells when scrolling a long list
- Won’t perform unnecessary navigations if the Detailed VC already shows the Screen
- Improved scrolling performance, especially on the first load of long lists
- Off center cancel button in search
- Performance improvements when scrolling/loading large lists
Intercom Gen. 2
- Fixed occasional missing Rich-Push-Images due to file system stress
- App freeze after reopening the app in the intercom control
- Won’t automatically rotate to the landscape when reentering the Control in some cases
- Black Settings screen when clicking into a Answer and then closing the settings and reopening them again
- App didn’t reconnect properly when losing connection to intercom
- Smooth Landscape <=> Portrait animation
- BG-I13057: Action buttons text cut of if bigger font is selected
Music Server
- BG-I12442: It wasn’t possible to add a spotify account
- BG-I12612: App freeze after opening on HD devices (Tablets, Windows, Mac)
Climate Controller
- BG-I11692: Shows no demand, when there actually is demand, but too little (below threshold).
- BG-I12756: Connection loss or app pause while sending a cmd protected by a visu password will invalidate stored visu passwords (protected via biometrics)
- Please log in again appears without stating a cause why.
- Couldn’t connect when changing between internal and external connecting
- Stuck in connecting attempt, won’t connect until disconnect/reconnect or reopening app.
- When remote connect or clouddns report an issue, there is only one option “OK” that will cancel the connection.
- BG-I11907: Devices with apps running for a long time suddenly require to log in again.
- Unnecessary network load when accessing screens with elevated user rights.
- BG-I11672: App doesn’t connect externally after opening up, needs to be sent to bg & reopened.
- Unnecessary high network load after connection establishing.
- Network changes from Carrier to WiFi cause a reconnect, unnecessary if not locally reachable in WiFi.
- CloudDNS: Added random portion to clouddns/remote-connect requests to avoid potential caching.
- ECO Screen: After a restart of the app, the eco screen disappears on the first battery level change.
System Scheme
- BG-I12635: Won’t open if e.g. only eib-blind blocks are linked
Air/Tree Device Pairing
- Header not updated when switching through devices.
- Message warning about devices that are no longer around doesn’t show serial number.
- On replace device screen the icon and the text have no space in between them.
- BG-I12217: Extension info screen couldn’t be opened
- BG-I11815: Image of devices are now cached and won’t be downloaded everytime
- BG-I8135: In some cases the waiting popup didn’t disappeared, after pairing a device
- BG-I11893: Re added missing strings
- BG-I12045: Texts were duplicated after canceling the device filter
Alarm Clock
- BG-I12145: Entries were added when deactivating and activating an entry again
- BG-I12383: Last entries was overwritten, if there were more than 10 entries
- BG-I12386: Entries are now active after editing
- Minus symbol in settings smaller than plus
Automatic Designer/Scenes
- AutomaticDesigner: Disabled sorting feature until further notice
- BG-I13412: If there were two actions from the same type, the second action showed the values from the first one
- BG-I13401, BG-I13586: In some cases the scene/rule displayed wrong values from previous scene/rule
- BG-I12942: “Play Favorite” showed empty entries
- BG-I11569: Couldn’t record actions of Clients in Client/Gateway
- BG-I11799: Some controls didn’t show any actions/events
- BG-I11555: Couldn’t add entries or actions to old Automatic Designer Object
- BG-I11624: App appeared to be frozen when opening the Automatic Designer with no filter results
- BG-I11626: Some capabilities missed in the App
- BG-I11715: Value Text was not centered
- BG-I12425: Flickering when changing a conditions value.
- Unnecessary high network load due to frequenz download of scenes and rules.
- BG-I12445: Couldn’t resolve some variables/operators
- BG-I12584: Icon wasn’t shown on invalid rules
- BG-I12596, BG-I12672: Adding an action wasn’t possible after a condition has been added
- BG-I11538, BG-I11503: Couldn’t add some capabilities because the button was not visible
- BG-I12046: Order of words, spaces, variables and operators may be mixed up
Door Controller
- BG-I11679: Fixed iOS app crashes with custom intercoms
- BG-I12241: In some cases the intercom try to connect with the internal video url, but the app had external connection
- Improved stability of image requests
- In some cases the image switched permanently when ringing on two custom intercoms with jpg stream
- BG-I13665: When locking/unlocking while the calendar view is open, the screen remains empty after navigating back.
- Daytimer, PoolController, IRC, IRCV2: Endtime disappeared after changing the start time
- Operating mode (de-)selection and prioritizing not working.
- Operating mode list flickers when being modified
- Popups asking for permission to remove an operating mode are annoying.
Energy Monitor & Manager
- BG-I12629: Inactive Text shown in white suggests it’s not really inactive.
- Energy Manager: BG-I11706: Current power value is now correctly shown
- Energy Monitor: Symbols (Grid, Production, Battery, Consumption) disappear when clicked
- Energy Monitor: Image was misaligned on iOS 15 devices
Intelligent Room Controller
- BG-I12969, BG-I13055: Wrong position of time line indicator
- BG-I12870: Operating modes couldn’t be edited
- BG-I11325: Doesnt show when surplus heating/cooling enerergy provided by a climate controller is used.
- BG-I11710: Temperatures not updated when modifying them from inside the daytimer entries.
- BG-I11723: Cooling temperatures not adoptable when cooling currently not allowed by climate/hvac-controller (same for heating)
- BG-I12776: Initial position of sliders was wrong in temperature edit screen
- BG-I12797: Temperature adjustment timer can’t be changed
- Temperature area background color disappears when opening IRC from within an HVAC.
- BG-I12850: Time entries and time indicator were drawn at the wrong position
- BG-I12017: Error when clicking on “Temperature adjustment” button
- BG-I12150: Timeline messed up after starting/stopping timers
Light Controller
- BG-I12980: Moods cannot be reordered without changing the “use with next scene” setting firs
- Content jumps when editing light moods
- Favorite Colors/Sequences flickering when edited.
- Color preview shows color after the screen shows up.
- Actors were missing in the app
- BG-I12145: Scenes were spontaneously created when switching between them
- BG-I12787, BG-I12788: It wasn’t possible to create new light moods on an light controller with only default moods (on/off)
Quick Actions / Shortcuts
- BG-I11707: Fixed adding commands and scenes with visu password to a quick action.
- BG-I11733: Fixed an issue where a new added quick action cannot be deleted or moved
- Scenes with password error message popup adjusted
- BG-I12107: Done button still visible when removing all QuickActions
User Management
- List messed up when using search.
- Poor performance with larger number of users.
- BG-I11542: Valid from/until were overwritten after adding nfc tag
- BG-I11759: Wrong times were saved after editing the user state valid from/to times
- BG-I12417: Fixed wrong text when user was “active until”
- BG-I12451: User selector screen can’t be closed after closing and reopening the app
HVAC/Climate Controller
- Climate-Controller: BG-I11605: List of IRCs appears randomly sorted!
- Climate-Controller: BG-I11654: Shows “heating not allowed” even though heating isn’t supported (same for cooling).
- HVAC: BG-I11484: Thermostat disappears after opening temperature edit screen.
NFC App Feature & NFC Code Touch
- NFC Code Touch: Cells flickering when selecting timepoints for temporary access.
- NFC Code Touch: Validity cell not shown after changing it (e.g. form always to time-dependent)
- NFC: BG-I11558: Cannot save command or scene onto NFC tag.
- BG-I11904: Statistic screen couldn’t be opened
- BG-I12139: Couldn’t change profiles
- BG-I12288: In some cases the max load slider was missing
- Central Blocks: BG-I13164: Control selection considerably slower than on previous versions
- General: Missing information on connection state after app was brought back up from the background.
- General: When the app was brought back up from the background, taps on controls aren’t responding until the connection is established.
- Touch & Grill: BG-I13709: Freeze after unlocking while settings are open.
- iOS 15.1: Fixed white background of search inputs
- BG-I13004: Notes on locked controls with line breaks are shown in a single line.
- Slider: AUDIO1-I2173: Sliders respond to scrolling, which causes unwanted value changes (e.g. in Audio Players equalizer or volume settings)
- About Miniserver: Couldn’t copy Host content
- About-Screen: Copy popup shows up even if no text is provided.
- App Rating: BG-I12528: Click on app rating popup had no function
- Battery-Monitor: Please-Wait always shown when opening up battery monitor.
- BatteryMonitor: View wasn’t always loaded.
- Biometric ID: BG-I11696: Biometric Authentication Popup wasn’t shown and password/userpassword couldn’t be entered manually
- BiometricAuthentication iOS: BG-I12852: Touch/FaceID was disabled when locking the device while authenticate
- Burglar-Alarm: Flickering when arming/disarming
- Central Blocks: Slow response to selection of individual controls.
- Central-Blocks: BG-I12230: Fixed missing icons
- Central-Blocks: Didn’t show information, if child was locked
- Central: BG-I12728: Cells active state was equal to inactive state
- Context Menu: May not show any options
- Context Menu: Missing all entries.
- Control: BG-I12233: Title of control was extremely small when a systemstate message was active
- Control: BG-I12106: Duplicate control buttons, e.g. when locking/unlocking a control
- General: Adopted App Rating “display as favorite” doesn’t matter anymore in category screen. As soon as the control is rated with at least one star, it will displayed es favorite
- General: App remains dark and app freezes
- General: BG-I11567: “Please wait” popup shown each app launch.
- General: BG-I11567: Frequent FS access to shared user settings without need to do so.
- General: BG-I12202: Cell icons flickered after navigating
- General: remains dark when app had no internet connection on startup
- General: Empty TableViews when quickly navigating away and open a screen again (e.g. AudioPlayer Search)
- iPadOS Share Sheet: The Share Sheet now originates from the center of the clicked element (User Share, QR Share, Debug Log Share, …)
- MessageCenter: BG-I12460: Endless spinning indicator on confirm button
- MessageCenter: BG-I12824: In some cases the user password has been rejected, without any reason
- Miniserver search: BG-I11680: Removed search not working popup
- Navigation: Fixed Navigation issue when an intercom overlayed a modal animated screen
- New Sorting: BG-I11641 BG-I10996: Fixed unwanted sorting starts
- New Sorting: BG-I11731: Performance improvements for starting the App with user default sorting
- New Sorting: Performance improvements if standard sorting is used
- New Sorting: Smaller sorting structure for user sorting
- Star rating: BG-I11454: Non favorite rooms, categories and controls are now sorted by star rating
- Notification Screen: BG-I11921: Disable notification didn’t work
- Notifications: Did move screen up
- Operating-Times: Keyboard keeps jumping up after selecting an operating mode or mode (each year, each day, ..)
- OperatingModeScreen: BG-I12759: In some cases the operating modes weren’t shown
- Performance: Implemented several performance improvements, especially with the tableView. Animations should be smooter & quicker now.
- Picker: Cells jump to expanded state after opening up a screen.
- Pulse at: BG-I11504: Not possible to set one time impuls at past
- QR: BG-I12581: Screen no longer responsive after changing the value of a cell.
- Sauna: BG-I12112: Couldn’t change mode of Sauna with Humidifier
- Sauna: Shows heating up even though the target temperature is reached.
- Search: App freeze when searching for an Alarm Clock in certain cases
- Search: BG-I12146: Was broken
- Siri Shortcuts: BG-I11691: Fixed Shortcuts crash if donation not possible
- Slider: Sliders in cells always jump to their target value after screens open up.
- Slider: UI occasionally not representing the current state.
- Star rating: BG-I11454: Non favorite rooms, categories and controls are NO LONGER sorted by star rating.
- Statistics: BG-I11615: Error processing large statistics
- Statistics: BG-I11955, BG-I12093: Statistic was cut of when switching between statistics
- Switches: Couldn’t toggle switches on control cells/cards
- System Status: Did show least important entry in control content instead of most important if multiple entries exist
- SystemScheme: Error while loading image
- SystemState: BG-I12248: In some cases the confirm text was cut off
- TableView: Button color didn’t correctly update
- TableView: Cells couldn’t be sortable and not removable at once
- TableView: Screen jumps to top when some cell changes
- TableView: When reusing editable and removable cells its state wasn’t reset correctly
- Touch Nightlight: Modified sound setting not reflected in setting screen.
- Typo: BG-I11969: Fixed Typo in german translation
- Virtual Text Input: “Apply text” button does not respond if text unchanged.
- Virtual Text Input: Flickering input field when opening the adopt text screen.
- WeatherScreen: Safe area on iPhone wasn’t considered
- Webinterface: Automatic redirect to HTTPS url (available with the next Loxone Config)
Loxone App 12.2.8 (2022.2.2)
- IRC, IRC V2, Pool, Daytimer: BG-I14713: Strange behaviour while editing operating modes
- Daytimer: Operating mode list was below calendar view
- UserManagement: “Pair NFC Tag” Screen wouldn’t be opened if the NFC Code Touch is assigned to room “not used”
- LightController: BG-I14630: Fixed misaligned switches