App 15.3.1 (2025.01.22)
- Audioserver
- Added information about outdated version of firmware preventing user from adding new Spotify accounts
- App Link
- Unable to open Apps on iOS
- Heating and Cooling Controller
- Heating and Cooling Controller – missing app translation
- Miniserver Search
- Search was not working on iOS due to missing permissions
- User Management
- Trust User can’t be enabled via the App if he was already disabled on the source Miniserver
- System Scheme
- Actions are now shown only when enabled during configuration
App 15.0.4 (2024.08.01)
- AC ControlÂ
- Support for setting of default fan speed in automatic mode.Â
- Intelligent Room ControllerÂ
- Temp settings screen shows shading temps in wrong place if single comfort temp is used.Â
- System SchemeÂ
- Actions are now shown only when enabled during configurationÂ
App 15.0.4 (2024.07.31)
- AC ControlÂ
- Support for new AC Heating and Cooling Controller integrationÂ
- Support for Intelligent Room Controller integrationÂ
- Allows to jump to linked intelligent room controller (by clicking on target temp in auto mode or via additional cell below settings)Â
- Shows link to AC Heating and Cooling Controller if heating or cooling is blocked (ac wants to cool, but AC heating and cooling controller blocks it)Â
- AC Heating and Cooling ControllerÂ
- support for new block that decides whether connected AC Controls can heat or coolÂ
- Heating and Cooling ControllerÂ
- Now uses visualisation from HVAC ControllerÂ
- WallboxÂ
- Shows link to wallbox manager, if managed by one.Â
- Support for new OCPP Server Connector Plugin (Beta)Â
- Intelligent Room ControllerÂ
- Shows heating/cooling icon in mode selection, e.g. if “Setpoint by Schedule” or “Fixed Setpoint” is used, with heating or cooling only flagÂ
- System SchemeÂ
- Support for fixed sizing, text blocks and control actions directly in the Scheme.Â
- Spot Price OptimizerÂ
- Support for markets reporting 30/15-minute blocks.Â
- Price lists are now sorted by time rather than price for better readability.Â
- Price lists where times are next to each other and have the same value are now grouped together for better readability.Â
- AC ControlÂ
- Timer runtime is set to current time by default, looks like it doesn’t work if one forgets to adopt itÂ
- Timer always uses timezone local to phone/tablet/computer, rather than the Miniservers local time (e.g. when travelling)Â
- Open window state isn’t shown in content, only in card.Â
- Cannot tell which mode is blocked by Climate Controller, always shows “Heating/Cooling”Â
- Target Temperature can still be modified if in automatic mode, where it is set by the Intelligent Room ControllerÂ
- List of AC Controls doesn’t reflect in which room they areÂ
- Spot Price OptimizerÂ
- BG-I30892: UK forecast for the next day did not appear correctly until next day startedÂ
- Climate ControllerÂ
- Shows partial UI even though it is locked or the “Off” input is active.Â
- New UI doesn’t handle the various Otm settings and does not show if the data is missing or not ready yet (average past 48h).Â
- Audio PlayerÂ
- Start view stuck loading after restoring the App from backgroundÂ
- System SchemeÂ
- Removed padding for fixed size text objects that caused text to appear off-center in very small blocksÂ
- Spot Price OptimizerÂ
- Fixed an edge condition causing SPO to stall the appÂ
- App does not use manual very high price – Max block parameter in ConfigÂ
- BG-I29771: Wrong display of planned hours in cost-effective hours of Automatic ScreenÂ
- IntercomÂ
- BG-I29483: Audio Connection on Intercom can’t be established over TrustÂ
- Unable to rotate into landscape mode on small devicesÂ
- Energy Flow MonitorÂ
- BG-I30377: Graph is cutoff when zooming inÂ
- BG-I25236: Power values polling cycle is 5 minutes on graph despite 10 mins set in configÂ
- Alarm ClockÂ
- BG-I30100: Alarm clock visualization of daily mode reacts on second attemptÂ
- Load ManagerÂ
- BG-I30124: Load Manager does not load correctlyÂ
- Miniserver ShortcutsÂ
- BG-I30215: App failed to work after Trust for existing shortcut was disbanded.Â
- TimeÂ
- Datetime display is now based on more extensive Timezone information provided by the MiniserverÂ
- Audio PlayerÂ
- BG-I29706: Stuck Spotify playlist request locked-up the UI on small screensÂ
- BG-I28916: Spotify account shows error after adding it and Settings button is not workingÂ
- BG-I29706: Spotify playlists are incomplete on initial loadÂ
- BG-I30111: Spotify bug causes App to endlessly request playlistsÂ
- ScheduleÂ
- BG-I29781: Schedule entry list did not update correctly after changing selected modeÂ
App 14.7.1 (2024.04.02)
- System StatusÂ
- Like Loxone Config, a tiny red indicator will now highlight unread entries.Â
- Alarm ClockÂ
- BG-I25806: Scrolling through the operating modes/days not possible on small enough screensÂ
- BG-I27850: Badge for days/modes renderd faulty in alarm clock Â
- AlexaÂ
- Error message was shown if a control didn’t have a room assignedÂ
- Audio PlayerÂ
- BG-I28756: System Status Messages not sufficiently visibleÂ
- Burglar AlarmÂ
- BG-I27725: Alarm time countdown is out of sync when screen of the phone is locked Â
- Central Burglar Alarm & GateÂ
- System Status messages were not carried over to Central referencing a control with an active message Â
- Control HistoryÂ
- BG-I28178: History entries not dated correctly when device’s location changes Â
- Door and Window MonitorÂ
- BG-I28731: Room and Mounting Place shown without spacing Â
- IntercomÂ
- BG-I26621: Share Button missing in activity picture from IntercomÂ
- Scrolling between activity pictures not possibleÂ
- Video stream was not stopped fully when leaving the controlÂ
- BG-I27707: Intercom video was not loading in Ambient Mode when set as Entry PointÂ
- Black screen when opening past activity on User-defined IntercomÂ
- Inteligent Room ControllerÂ
- BG-I26854: Manual setpoint: activation with presence Â
- BG-I28653: Fix crash of watch-app on startupÂ
- Siri Shortcuts: BG-I28653: Fix siri shortcut not being executed Â
- Lighting ControllerÂ
- BG-I28710: Hint text is shown expanded after leaving mood edit screen Â
- Load ManagerÂ
- BG-I28410: Icon corrupted when re-appearing on the screen or displayed in different viewÂ
- MeterÂ
- BG-I26356: deactivating statistic via expert mode keeps it showing until Ms reboot/app restartÂ
- BG-I26355: Blackscreen when activating statistik via expert modeÂ
- NFC Code TouchÂ
- BG-I28080: First selected method gives “undefined” in history of NFC when 2 factor authentication is enabled Â
- User ManagementÂ
- Changing a username and setting a interface password simultaneously does result in an unknown passwordÂ
- BG-I28647: Changing a username and setting a password simultaneously does result in an unknown passwordÂ
- BG-I27052: Character “&” is forbidden for username in the App Â
- PresenceÂ
- BG-I21576: Presence did not work corretly using macOS app after inactivity when unlocking the screen Â
- Push Notifications (Android)Â
- Â BG-I28818: Loading of intercom push-notification-preview-image fails, when remotely connected to Miniserver Gen. 1 via CloudDNS Â
- ScheduleÂ
- BG-I27763: Not possible to change Schedule block icon in App Â
- SceneÂ
- BG-I26838: No actions in scene edit are displayed when provided Radio Button option is removed after the scene was set-up using itÂ
- BG-I26813: Scene Edit button was visible to a user who did not have required permissions to edit the SceneÂ
- BG-I24530: No recovery from connection loss when sending a command Â
- Sorting ScreenÂ
- BG-I27064: Android hardware back button doesn’t respond Â
- Spot Price OptimiserÂ
- BG-I26547: Not showing data on graph despite it being available and forecast times adjust to devices timezone when the device is in different timezone than the MiniserverÂ
- BG-I28522: Calculation for warning info message is wrongÂ
- BG-I28828: Uses device timezone in Spot Price Automation insteadÂ
- BG-I28569: Shows incorrect number of chosen hours in Spot Price Automation Â
- Status MonitorÂ
- Is now more descriptive of which linked monitor is Incompletely configuredÂ
- BG-I28625: App crashed when main monitor was configured without text trying to get text from its sub-monitor Â
- System StatusÂ
- BG-I28377: Displaying an entry did not mark it as readÂ
- BG-I28472: System Status shows unread entries message despite no active entries being present Â
- Shading CentralÂ
- BG-I24579: Shading Central – No Motor bloked indicatorÂ
- TimeÂ
- System Status, Wallbox, Battery Level of Air Devices: Time representation adjusted to be consistent with Miniserver time when device location changesÂ
- BG-I23690: Correcting time on Miniserver is incorrect when device is in a different day time saving alreadyÂ
- TrustÂ
- BG-I26749: Updating current user password does not work when connected to Trusted Miniserver Â
- WallboxÂ
- BG-I28375: History entries not dated correctly when device’s location changesÂ
- BG-I23520: System Status Messages not displayed properly inside of the blockÂ
App 14.5.2 (2024.02.20)
- Support for new Status Monitor Block
App 14.5.1 Beta 1 (2023.12.13)
· Audio Zone: Announcement feature not working on Android 13+
· EFM: Production-Nodes with bidirectional meters wrongfully consider negative values as consumption, regardless of the configuration on the meter.
· Managed Tablets: Version Information not passed properly to MS.
· Message Center: Mounting place not shown in messages.
· Spot Price Optimizer: No data in chart shown when some datapoints within the day are missing
· Trust/Archive: About Miniserver screen always shows remote url of currently connected one instead of the selected Miniservers remote url.