Moving Average

The function block takes the value from the input every 'C' seconds and places it in a buffer that has a maximum of 'N' entries. The oldest entry from this buffer is always removed. The average value is calculated from these entries.

Table of Contents


Abbreviation Summary Description Value Range
V Value Analog input from which the moving average is calculated
R Reset Deactivates the averaging function. Output (Avg) is equal to the value at input (V). 0/1


Abbreviation Summary Value Range
Avg Average


Abbreviation Summary Description Unit Value Range Default Value
Rem Remanence input Remanence input: If active, the function block retains its previous state after a Miniserver reboot.
The state of the function block is saved:
– When saving to the Miniserver
– At a planned reboot
– Before a backup
– Once per hour
The data is saved on the SD card.
- 0/1 0
C Polling cycle Used to set the interval at which the value on the input read to then be averaged. s 0...∞ 60
N Number of readings Number of values used for calculating average. - 0...1000 60