Smart home community by Evergreene Homes and Loxone

06/17/2020 in Backstage
Just minutes from the nation’s capital, a new community is coming together by Evergreen Homes and Loxone, offering both industry-leading luxury homes and home & building automation. ‘Building a home in the comfort and style of your life’ is the mission behind the creation of The Arbors of McLean community. Together, this partnership creates a new standard for living with an automated environment that’s energy efficient and improves comfort in the home.
Loxone kitchen lighting collage

Loxone is a standard in Evergreene Homes’ newest community

For builders and developers worldwide, smart home is becoming the standard offering in order to stand out in the market. So what makes Loxone Smart Homes stand out among the rest of the so-called smart homes? True automation, where a complete ecosystem simply knows how to interact from component to component to provide unmatched living comfort and energy efficiency. And what better place to start than the heart of the home? The kitchen!

In the newest community by Evergreene Homes, The Arbors of McLean, the kitchen is where you’ll find Loxone lighting controls and fixtures as a Standard Package to each home. Additional packages can be added on for the highest level of comfort and energy efficiency throughout the home.

Rob, Evergreene

At Evergreene Homes, we are very excited to partner with Loxone and bring true automation into the newest community in McLean, VA. By offering Loxone as part of our standard, we are able to remain forward-thinking with the possibility for expansion with other systems. This opportunity introduces innovative lighting control that responds to the individual needs of our customers.

Rob Cappellini, President | CEO

Evergreene Homes

– Special Tip –

Create Automation Magazine on coffee table

Your source for smart home inspiration

Whether you’re interested in a home with Loxone, or maybe you’re just curious – you can find plenty of inspiration in our Create Automation Magazine. It’s full of tips and ideas for both residential and commercial buildings. Plus, it’s free to download.

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