Automated wellness experience in WelPods

03/22/2021 in Case Studies
   Project highlights

Vancouver, BC

Loxone Partner
The Smartest Builder

Circle Wellness Studios

Product Highlights
Full automation
• Tree Extension

Control + climate monitoring
•  Touch Tree
•  Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Step inside a WelPod and you’re immersed into a multi-sensory, therapeutic experience that becomes personalized to target your wellness needs. Say what? Reimagine a sauna-like environment that offers a functional space for restoring health, practicing yoga or simply relaxing.
The first therapeutic smart room of its kind in the world is created: WelPods automated by a Loxone Miniserver. Combined with simplified software tools, the Miniserver provides optimal control of heating, ventilation, lighting and an all-around cohesive wellness experience. Find out how in our Q&A with Loxone Gold Partner Inder Kanwal:

Reimagine a sauna-like space that offers functional wellness. The first therapeutic smart room of its kind in the world is created: WelPods automated by a Loxone Miniserver. Combined with simplified software tools, the Miniserver provides optimal control of heating, ventilation, lighting and an all-around cohesive wellness experience.
Find out how in our Q&A with Loxone Gold Partner Inder Kanwal:

Creating functional environments for wellness

What are WelPods used for?

  • Sauna-like experience with added functionality
  • Yoga, meditation, relaxation
  • Cleansing and health benefits
  • Personalized, therapuetic sessions


Instead of creating static and single-purpose amenities, we create environments that can be used for many activities, depending on the personal lifestyle of our clients. We use specialized materials, features, and building techniques to increase efficiency and to create functional diversity. We are re-thinking the ways that wellness spaces are built.

Paul Hennessey

Founder, Circle Wellness Studios

Project highlights

Vancouver, BC

Loxone Partner
The Smartest Builder

Circle Wellness Studios

Product Highlights
Full automation
• Tree Extension

Control + climate monitoring
Touch Tree
Temperature & Humidity Sensor

*Photos by The Smartest Builder and Circle Wellness Studios

WelPod at night

What challenge was presented by the client and how did you reach your solution?

Inder: Circle Wellness Studios needed an automated control system to create a customized wellness experience in each WelPod. This included:

  • control of climate (temperature, ventilation)
  • lighting in a sauna-like environment

Loxone was the only system that could offer complete control in addition to the programming – this is what makes it unique! With the press of one button, the user is immersed into a fully curated wellness experience.

What functionality were you able to offer that can’t be provided by other systems?

Inder: Control of everything! That is key. Since the project was implemented, everything has been running smoothly and we have continuously increased functionality as Circle Wellness Studios expands.

Loxone was the only system that could offer complete control in addition to the programming – this is what makes it unique!

Inder Kanwal

Founder, The Smartest Builder, Loxone Gold Partner

Touch switch with built-in temperature sensors

Touch switch with built-in sensors

Each WelPod contains a Touch Tree that starts up every personalized wellness session and constantly monitors temperature and humidity levels. Paired with the Temperature & Humidity Sensor, the sensing range extends even farther.

Bonus tip: Loxone’s Touch and sensors are compatible in a wider range of environments than Nest.  Ideal for WelPods or saunas!

Loxone Touch Tree
-4…158° F, max 95% RH 

Loxone Temperature & Humidity Sensor – Sauna
-22°F…248°F, 0 – 100% RH

34…104° F, up to 90% RH 


Radiant Heat

Radiant heat control with precise temperature and humidity levels contribute to wellness benefits in each WelPod: detoxification, metabolism, blood flow and more.

Himalayan salt

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt is a delicate, aged material that needs a controlled, dry environment with constant monitoring of humidity levels. The Himalayan salt inside each WelPod helps sterilize the air, elevate energy levels and more.



Charcoal is known for its cleansing effects on the body. Air purification is an added benefit especially combined with intelligent control of heating and ventilation.

WelPod interior himalayan salt walls

What functionality helped you address unique needs for heating and ventilation?

Inder: In each WelPod, there are multiple sources of heating that are separately scheduled, including set limits for both heating and cooling, over-temperature protection and low energy modes for efficiency. The Loxone system controls intake and outtake for precise control of ventilation tied in with heating, cooling and sound. Ventilation controls played a key part in installations with excess exterior humidity where more precise interior control of humidity was required.

Any special considerations for lighting?

Inder: An important part of why we used Loxone specifically is the scalable low-voltage LED lighting control. This can be based on time, temperature and even more customizable programmed functions that are not as easily achievable with other systems.

WelPod in garden

What are examples of flexibility provided by Loxone technology?

Inder: Prime examples include: The ability to add temperature and humidity detection switches, integrate different analog sensors, and add additional control functionality with extensions or Loxone Tree devices. One Miniserver can control everything from one WelPod to the whole building.

This even includes outdoor features, such as fountains, resulting in a completely curated wellness experience that emphasizes relaxation. There is no need to worry about issues like the system being too hot or too cold. The flexibility allows for a properly managed, perfectly customized automated experience.

One Miniserver can control everything from one WelPod to the whole building. This even includes outdoor features, such as fountains, resulting in a completely curated wellness experience that emphasizes relaxation.

Inder Kanwal

Founder, The Smartest Builder, Loxone Gold Partner

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